Grey’s Anatomy – Recap & Review – Sympathy for the Parents

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Grey’s Anatomy
Sympathy for the Parents

Original Air Date: Apr 01, 2010

Thomas Nikl – Staff Writer

What’s up, Readers? Happy April Fools Day! I hope no one played any pranks on you- unless they were funny! If so, comment and tell me what pranks you fell for. OR, tell me what pranks you pulled! But only after you read my review on Grey’s Anatomy which begins in 3…2…1… GO!

We start with Alex in the shower talking to Meredith when Derek informs him that his brother is here and he has some kind of MASSIVE hernia. It’s gross. And he wants to know if he should worry about it. But Alex’s brother does not have insurance so he asks Miranda if she’ll do it pro-bono. She doesn’t seem into at first but he bribes her to help him. Miranda and Meredith are giving Alex’s brother a little checkup before his surgery and he spills all sorts of details about Alex… foster care (17 parents in 5 years??), stealing food for the family, going to juvenile hall. Next it’s Alex’s brothers turn to learn about Alex and Izzie getting married, her Cancer, her divorce, etc. Alex’s brother (What’s his name???) is pissed, he confronts Alex about his marital problems, then makes a comment to Alex about walking out and says “like father, like son” and soon they’re duking it out in the lobby!! It’s surgery time for Alex’s brother. Bro’s surgery goes well and Alex goes to “make sure he doesn’t croak and then he’s out of here”. Time for one of those bro-to-bro heart-to-hearts.

We meet patient one, a lady who passed out and may have Cancer coming back. They operate on her and seem to get all the Cancer and stuff. Something apparently went wrong though and she may have had a stroke or something? Hmm…. so they run some tests. Derek takes a peak at her CT scan and apparently there is nothing they can do for her. WTF? That’s it. Damn, Grey’s is brutal. The husband goes from ecstatic about hearing his wife’s surgery went well, to being devastated that she’s now basically brain dead. The doctors explain that she signed a document stipulating she does not want to be put on a mechanical breathing machine so legally the hospital has to pull the plug on her. Now that husband is all pissed and it’s meeting time with Chief Derek. He explains that they are bound by law to unplug his wife, because she’ll never wake up, and she signed the advanced directive. Hmm and in a weird twist, it seems like the other Nurse has a huge crush on Derek and Lexi calls her out on it and she seems all weird about it. Something like that. It’s time for Lexi to pull the plug despite the Husband having been there for like four hours saying goodbye. Poor old guy. But it has to be done. And Richard sees that Lexi does it (as training, I guess). Lexi pulls the plug. And the wife does not wake up.

Then patient two arrives in the amber lamps (just kidding, ambulance- I hope you know your internet memes! If you know what I’m talking about post a link in the comments). So patient two is apparently a cop and she’s getting suspended but I am not sure why. Her husband is getting tired of her crazy shenanigans though. They finally start operating on her but everyone is chatting and Teddy explains to be VERY CAREFUL with the bullets in this lady because they can explode. And then, of course, Christina gets all impatient and essentially FIRES THE BULLET INTO THE LADY’S CHEST ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Owen is pissed and things are not going so well for patient two, either. Is it even possible for surgeons to run their hands around in your open chest and STILL sew you up OK? it looks like they’re stirring cookie dough for Pete’s sake! Woah, somehow patient two survives. Somehow. But because of all the damage they had to remove her Uterus. She decides to quit. But then her whole squad arrives and I am thinking she’s gonna get sucked back in.

And to wrap up the episode Mark’s stupid daughter comes back in labor and interupts a yummy romantic moment with Mark and Teddy. Ugh, was hoping Mark’s daughter would never show up again.

Well, readers… thoughts?

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About Tom

Just a huge Disney Dork trying to spread the Disney love!
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2 Responses to Grey’s Anatomy – Recap & Review – Sympathy for the Parents

  1. Farrah says:

    I think you forgot the entire last part!! Like Sloan showing up in labor at Mark’s door while he was having chocolate sex with Teddy? LOL. Or Owen freaking out about the sausages on Cristina and agreeing to therapy. And Arizona finally talking about babies. Did your DVR cut off? LOL

  2. Farrah says:

    Haha..OKAY…someone went in and edited their post!! No fair!!!!

    I lovvvveeeddd this episode.

    Alex and Aaron…loved finding out about Alex’s past. Not thrilled with Shepard’s lackey. Hilarious seeing Sloan interrupting the hot sex. 911 anyone? LOL

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