Private Practice – Recap & Review – Love Bites

photo: abc

Private Practice
Love Bites

Original Air Date: Feb 11, 2010

Farrah Kaye – Associate Editor

This week has been filled with Valentine’s Day episodes. And I’m over it. This is the fourth (I think?) recap I’ve written about the corporate holiday and I’m done. With that being said, I’m also over vampires. So, if I get a bit snarky during this recap, it’s because V-day and vampire-related movies/TV shows are two things I hate the most and that is what tonight’s show is all about. You might enjoy it, so feel free to argue against me below. 🙂

Addison is called by Charlotte to the ER to help with one of her patients, Lauren. She is pregnant and asking for her husband, Michael. Sam is in surgery with her and she gets the baby out as Lauren crashes. At the office, Violet runs into Pete and it’s awkward/friendly. Violet asks “are you being nice to me?” And Pete, cutely, answers “maybe, a little.” Growth for these two? Naomi is busy working when Fife comes in trying to distract her with jokes but it doesn’t work. She says she rather be at work than at home. Oh, I see these two going somewhere yummy. Their boss comes in to make sure they are all coming to the ball tonight – and creepily seems to be hitting on Naomi (who will be giving him the award). Sam checks on Lauren, who is in the ICU while Addy is with the baby. The husband is still missing. Addy asks Sam if he will talk to her and he walks away. In the OW breakroom, everyone is debating how they can get out of not going to the ball, but Addy sent a memo that everyone MUST go. Sam says everyone is going to go and they are going to have fun, in the most unenthusiastic way possible. He’s visibly upset over everything and Violet corners him and he says he’s trying to plan Maya’s wedding. She wants a fairy tale but he’s not feeling it. Violet says to find the balance and goes on for a bit about it and Sam puts her in charge of planning the wedding. Cooper has a patient with a fever and when he goes to check her glands, he sees a bite mark, only she says she burned herself with a curling iron. Here we go, Vampire Diaries/Twilight/Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans. Addy visits Lauren and she says she can’t breathe from the pressure – she has a hole in her heart and Sam needs to do surgery. Lauren asks where her husband is and she tells Addy she jumped in the water to commit suicide because her husband was leaving her.

Lauren tells Violet she doesn’t want surgery and doesn’t want to be fixed. Violet tries to dig deeper into what happened and Lauren says she has no idea. She came home to a note that he was leaving and he never came home. She jumped so she wouldn’t feel empty and alone anymore. Cooper’s patient possibly has Hepatitis B from the bite mark and if that is true, they have to find the source of the bite mark. Charlotte overhears and brings up Twilight and New Moon to Pete and Cooper because to teenage girls, bite marks are the sign of eternal love. Funny line – and so true. Crazy little girl says they are soul mates and are bound to each other for eternity but doesn’t want to give up his name because her mom can’t know who he is. Pete is against it but Cooper says he will keep the promise because it’s the only way to help. Addy wants to 51/50 Lauren but Violet says she’s not crazy, she’s actually quite sane. Addy decides to find Michael to help Lauren. She finds him and he seems to not give a damn. He didn’t love her and didn’t want the baby and doesn’t want to help her, then slams the door in her face.

Cooper has the boy that bit Paige and he tells Cooper he’s been walking the earth for 2,000 years searching for her. He won’t give Coop the names of the other girls he’s bitten because Cooper doesn’t believe in it all. Then he tells Cooper to “bite him” and walks out. Original. Addy goes to Naomi to talk about Lauren but it quickly turns to the speech Naomi is writing about William White, the guy she’s writing the speech about and whether or not they “had a moment.” They giggle like school girls over it. Cooper tells Paige she is getting better and that Seth isn’t sick but he has been biting other girls and wants to know who it could have been. She says they don’t get it. Violet and Sam are laughing over the absurdity of wedding things Maya wants when Addy comes in. She’s a bit jealous and asks them to come talk to Lauren … but it also turns into an Addy/Sam conversation, on that needs to be had. They go back and forth about the Naomi thing (that’s the main reason Addy won’t be with him).

Everyone goes to the ball and Naomi is giving her speech. Everyone looks so pretty! Fife is attempting to hit on Naomi when William butts in and says he’s worried about her and what she’s going through at home. Oh don’t go there Naomi! Naomi finally opens up about everything – to this random guy? WEIRD. She’s also super drunk and now William is completely confused but nice about it all and answers everything she asked, like yes, he is flirting with her. By the way, this all happened right in front of Fife and he is visibly upset. Aw, poor guy. Cooper is hitting on girls and Charlotte embarrasses him with Addy in tow. Pete runs into Violet and is nice to her again. He is done being mad her finally. She says she’s still messed up but doing better and he says he knows. Dell sticks with Violet because they’re both messed up (uh oh, please don’t go there!). Dell still wears his wedding ring but can’t bring himself to move on from it all. Addy watches as Sam dances with a beautiful woman and Naomi dances with William and finds Pete outside drinking. OH, please don’t tell me my prediction from last week will come true. The two of them talk about things being too hard in life and finding happiness by accident, bla bla bla. Addy says she wants to go home, eat pizza and watch TV – and Pete agrees. And flash forward to them getting it on in her living room. GRRRRRR. Is Addy going to get down with everyone BUT Sam? Next thing you know she’ll be back in Seattle with Alex in the supply closet!

After the down and dirty is over, Addy and Pete discuss their great sex – and how he’s in love with Violet and she’s in love with Sam. Then they crack up and make out some more. Okay then? Cooper confronts Charlotte about making a truce and he asks for her help on the vampire girl case. Violet asks Addy if there is something going on with her and Sam because there is a lot of hostility between the two of them. Violet worries there’s something with the practice and Addy assures here there’s nothing wrong there. Charlotte is talking to Paige about love and guys cheating and how they lie (and how women lie as well) while Cooper listens. Naomi comes in to Violet’s office, unaware of her planning Maya’s wedding. Violet gives her advice on coming back “in” to her family. Meanwhile, Sam is at the hospital while Lauren is crashing. Addy tells her the truth and tells her to fight for her baby and have the surgery – and she agrees! YAY!

After the surgery, Addy brings in Lauren’s baby to visit with her. Naomi visits Sam while he’s picking out flowers and linens and she finally starts talking about the wedding – guest numbers, reception locations, dress type, etc. Dell takes off his wedding ring and Naomi leaves the office when William asks her out for a glass of wine. He tells her he makes his heart beat faster and she goes with him .. as Fife sees them kiss in the elevator. Aw man! Addy and Pete have some more sex and wonder if they’ll ever not be in love with other people but say what they have is better because it doesn’t hurt.

Next week … I don’t care about any storyline beside it’s Maya’s wedding. The other stuff will just be filler. 🙂

So, what an episode! Pete loves Violet, Addy loves Sam but Pete and Addy love having sex with each other. Okay then. Fife likes Naomi but she’s going after her boss. Not good. William will totally not be good for her. Fife will pick up the pieces. I foresee Violet in bed with Dell. Oh, and Cooper and Charlotte are totally on their way to making amends, I betchya! What do you think? Leave your two cents below!

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3 Responses to Private Practice – Recap & Review – Love Bites

  1. Liz says:

    Ugh. I hate Fife. And I’m surprised that Violet and Dell didn’t end up hitting the sheets that ep, but if she did that she may as well have gone up and kicked Pete in the nads.

  2. Gina says:

    I hope you’re right about Charlotte and Cooper making amends I want them back together.

  3. Farrah says:

    I actually kind of like Fife and I think he and Naomi would be good with each other. She brings out this sweeter side in him and he brings out a feistier side in her. Plus medically/ethically/mentally they challenge each other and Naomi has never had that before, which I think is a good thing. I foresee Dell and Violet in bed ASAP .. they both are in that “moving on phase” and she’ll “help” him through it. Pete might still be in love with her but he’s definitely not running back to her anytime soon and where can Dell run? I do think Charlotte and Coop will make amends, but it will take a LONG time.

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