30 Rock – Recap & Review – Kidney Now!

photo: nbc

photo: nbc

30 Rock
Kidney Now!

Original Air Date: May 14, 2009

Laura Kelley, Associate Staff Writer

Last week, Jack learned that his adorable long-lost father needs a kidney, so this week he goes to Liz to ask what the kidney does. Unfortunately, Liz played the kidney in a 5th grade play, and she doesn’t remember exactly what the kidney does but does remember the colon song. Man, she and I just have way too much in common.

Thanks to the success of the “dealbreaker” sketch, Liz and Jenna have to go on a Maury-like show called Vontella to give relationship advice. This is almost as bad as Tracy’s high school inviting him to speak at graduation, which he doesn’t want to do because of a tragic frog dissection incident. While Tracy’s past is explored, Liz and Jenna go on Vontella, where Liz dishes out advice and teaches us about “fruit blindness,” which is when you don’t realize you’re dating a gay person.

Jack and his dad Milton go to see Dr. Spaceman, who discovers that they aren’t a match and Jack can’t donate a kidney. Milton apologizes to him for pressuring him, and says he just wants to make up for lost time. Jack decides to hold a benefit concert to get Milton a new kidney, so he calls in favors from a bunch of celebrities whose secrets he knows. Who knew Elvis Costello was a master art thief? I for one had a sneaking suspicion.

Tracy sucks it up and goes to his old high school, where he is given an honorary diploma and hysterically cries. Then Liz gets him in trouble with Angie, who got advice from Liz and then found out about Tracy’s secret hotel room that he uses to poop in peace. The benefit concert goes off without a hitch thanks to Kenneth’s cousin Clay Aiken, and hopefully we’ll get to the bottom of Tracy’s digestive issues. What did you all think of this season? Leave your TwoCents in the comments, and have a great summer hiatus!

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