Ugly Betty – Recap & Review – In The Stars

photo: abc

photo: abc

Ugly Betty
In The Stars

Original Air Date: May 13, 2009

Karen- Sr. Staff Writer

Well, it is performance review time at Mode, and Marc and Betty are expecting big promotions! But what do I hear? A hiring freeze? Yep, that’s right folks, even in TV land we have to deal with the economy and how it sucks. So there will be no positions open until someone quits or retires, because of all the rehiring of the people they laid off. Sounds like where I work!

Cal Harkin shows up just as they are going over the big bridal issue. May I just say, Jeez! How much money did 7up give to have their product on the show?
Anyways, Claire comes in and says she gets the conference room next, and Harkin asks her opinion of the layout. Blah, blah, blah…now Claire and Willie have to work together on the issue.

Molly walks into the office and sees all the wedding stuff and thinks this is Daniel’s way of proposing. She is a bit embarrassed and apologizes.

Over at YETI, Bernadette Peters sets out an assignment and her advancements to Marc. Doesn’t she realize he plays for the other team? The assignment is to have a photo shoot and article for a magazine with the theme of music/physical sciences. Matt, Marc and Betty are a team. They need to win to move up in YETI. Marc doesn’t think Matt is carrying his weight. He is proven correct when Matt fails at getting the planetarium. As Marc says:”It’s time to vote him off the island, he is the weakest link.”

Meanwhile Daniel talks to his mom about Molly. He decides to propose. He goes out on the balcony and she says yes.

Papi Suarez is troubled over Elena and a job she has a chance to get that is in California. The family says he should have asked her to marry him. They give their approval and he is going to ask for her hand. When he does, she says yes.

Matt says he wants to paint and not publish. Betty is ok with it and supports him. Betty gets the planetarium for Adele photo shoot. When Betty goes to the planetarium, she sees Mrs. Hartley there. She points out through a slideshow, that Matt is always changing his career path. She wants Betty to keep him in publishing. Betty convinces him to stay.

Claire and Willie clash in the ideas for the magazine. They see Harkin and Clair volunteers to step down. Willie is happy and then Harkin asks Claire to stay to talk.
Betty and Matt have a huge blowout over whether she asked him to come back because his mom asked her to or she wanted him to do it. He ends up leaving, in turn so does Adele because of the scene. Sorry but I feel Matt was ridiculous.
Daniel comes by to see how it is going. Betty feels sorry for Daniel because their plans for marriage kind of fell through. So Betty recommends they get married at the planetarium since all the stuff is there. They do.

Claire walks up to Willie and tells her that Harkin asked her to be Sr. Vice President of Mode. Boy does this get in Willies craw.
Matt returns and apologizes. He also brings Adele and they get to finish the photo shoot.
The 3 amigo’s win the YETI project. Believe it or not Peters is still hitting on Marc.

As Daniel packs for the honeymoon, he finds Molly on the floor in the bathroom.
Papi Suarez gets a phone call that Elena got the job, but hasn’t taken it yet. So he gets her tickets to go and they will have a long distance relationship for a while.

Next week is the finale. It will be 2 hours, and might I just say, Henry is back! Yippee!

What did you think? Leave me your 2cents

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1 Response to Ugly Betty – Recap & Review – In The Stars

  1. Danielle says:

    I got to say I really missed Willie and Claire going at it. Marc was as always hilarious…at the end with Jody when she was hitting on him, and when she went to hug him, he threw Betty in the middle…too funny!! The wedding was nice. OMG! felt so bad for Daniel when he found Molly on the floor.

    And as for next week…I really hope that kiss is real.

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