Blue Bloods – Recap & Review – Black And Blue

photo: cbs

Blue Bloods
Black and Blue

Original Air Date: Nov 4, 2011

FK – Sr. Editor

Remember when Frank and the mayor got into it a few weeks ago? Keep that in mind when watching tonight’s episode. A radical anti-police reverend starts putting Frank and the force on blast in the media. The reverend has ties to the mayor and Frank will not let anyone tarnish the reputation of his boys in blue.

Jaime and Danny are involved in the case and wait until you see what kind of guy is pursuing Erin now!

Jaime and Renzulli pull over a guy in a sports car for being dumb (essentially). The incident is cut short when the partners are called to a robbery with a gun. When they get to the location, there is no man and it’s at a church. When they try to get in to assess the situation, two “bodyguards” push them down a flight of stairs – they’ve been set up. Jaime gets a cut on his head but Renzulli winds up in the hospital with a concussion. This situation is on the heels of the Reverend of the church that has been blasting Frank in the media for being racist. A riot breaks out when more police are called, including Danny and Jackie, and several worshipers are arrested.

Jaime feels a bit of guilt at first for going into the building but Danny reminds him that he was just doing his job. Frank goes head-to-head with the mayor, who is friends with the Reverend. He also oversees the ESU taking on a standoff with men at the church. That brings on even more fire, when Frank has to defend his force to the mayor, who says it was white cops that surrounded the church.

Jackie and Danny start digging into the 911 call and find out it was fake. As does Frank. Winds up it was all a set up to get the cops to come to the church (it was pure coincidence that Jaime was one of the cops) to prove the force is racist. Frank also corners the mayor into revealing his ties to the Reverend. The Reverend goes on TV, demanding the mayor remove Frank from his position, proclaiming he and his community supported him and he needs to return the favor. It’s during this time that Frank’s media liaison suggest he run for mayor himself some day, since he’s become so good at the politics of the job.

Erin is working a case that involves the guy who set up the fake phone call (of course it does..). She makes a deal to get the guy to come in and wear a wire to bring down the Reverend. Danny gets the arrest warrant for the two bodyguards and takes Jaime along with him so he can ID them. It’s a family affair, as usual! In the end the Reverend goes on a sabbatical and the case is closed.

It’s a tough job to cover race, religion, politics and family on a television show. I think Blue Bloods did a good job with it but I still wonder why the family’s stories ALWAYS have to be connected. Erin’s story was okay on its own and then BAM!, she’s tied in to the case. I love having Renzulli back and even though it seemed like Jaime wasn’t doing much, I felt like he was soaking it all in and learning. All in all, an okay episode. But those are just my thoughts, what about you? Leave your two cents below!

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