Blue Bloods – Recap & Review – Leap of Faith

photo: cbs

Blue Bloods
Leap of Faith

Original Air Date: Feb 10, 2012

FK – Sr. Editor

So the Giants won the Superbowl. I bet the Reagan family – diehard Jets fans – are bummed. But none of that this week, straight to business.

This week is all about faith. Frank is approached to give his evaluation of backing a Saint while Danny and Jackie are assigned to a case where the only suspect is being accused by someone who talks to the man upstairs. Do they listen to her or ignore her?

For you West Wing fans, Danny is back! Only he’s in the shape of a man named Charles, accused of killing his wife by his step-daughter. How does she know? The big guy upstairs told her. Danny (Reagan, that is…) investigates a bit and finds out Charles’ first wife died the same way – suicide. Or is it “suicide?” Jackie and Danny investigate the first case and get the feeling the small town cops covered up (or never really investigated) the wife’s death because Charles donated a load of money to them and never used them like other wealthy people in the town. Charles received a ton of money from her death. She was sick, with MS, and died with a vile next to her body. Nothing seemed off, as she had to give herself injections daily. After initial reports said she died of a heart attack, Sandy (the step-daughter), goes to Charles’ house and takes all the proof she needs to build a case against Charles. So now there’s proof (sort of) and it’s not illegal to use it. Erin gets involved and tells Danny to give everything back. Before they do, Jackie finds Charles’ appointment book, which included meeting a doctor 2-3 times a week. Turns out this doctor is a nice looking, female anesthesiologist. Hmmm. After she says her relationship is personal, they dig deeper and they talk to Sandy at the location where she first was “spoken to.” The word “Berlin” is spoken to her but what does it mean? Danny orders more tests on the victim and it turns out her heart attack was caused by a drug, normally used by (you guessed it) anesthesiologists. Using the clue “Berlin,” Jackie finds a record of a patient of Charles’ love doc with the last name Berlin, except the patient never made it to the operating room … and the drugs meant for him were never returned to the proper location. Having put it all together, Jackie and Danny confront the love birds while they’re having a nice meal and the doc admits to giving Charles the drugs but swears she thought it was for his own use for pain he was having. Charles has no remorse for having killed his wife. At least the good doc won’t be victim number three.

Frank, meanwhile, is searching for a deeper meaning of what it means to be a saint. As he puts it, “My mother was a saint. My wife was a saint, especially by the time she was chasing four kids under 10 around the house.” But he’s really being tasked with the case of Father Bill, whose practices Frank didn’t agree with. Instead of just saying “no,” Frank digs deep into Father Bill’s history, specifically the history he knows about. He goes as far as to travel to Canada to visit a man who Father Bill had gotten out of the country after committing a crime when he was a young boy. After talking to him, Frank realizes that Father Bill dealt with a lot, including having a relationship with a single mother in his congregation. Finally, when it was time to give his evaluation, Frank decides Father Bill should become a saint, not everyone is perfect and gives him the name Saint Bill from Brooklyn. He adds the newly-named Saint Bill would be laughing at all of this.

Next week, the mayor and Frank go at it after the mayor’s daughter is arrested!

The Sunday family dinner was an interesting debate about faith. Apparently when the man upstairs talks to Frank, he calls him Frankie. Who knew? Erin is a skeptic, just like Jackie, which I enjoyed. The debates between everyone about faith on a show which is so faith-based, was a nice change of pace. The writing during the episode was stellar and all the characters delivered it perfectly. But those are just my two cents, what are yours? Were you excited to see TWO West Wing stars this week? (Joshua Molina was over on The Big Bang Theory!) Hoping to see some more action soon regarding the undercover story? Leave your thoughts below!

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