The X Factor– Recap & Review – Top 5 Results

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The X Factor
Top 5 Results

Original Air Date: Dec 8, 2011

Patricia Morris Buckley —Sr. Staff Writer

I haven’t been a fan of Nicole Scherzinger as a judge since she debuted. She never says anything of value and makes everything all about her.

But after tonight’s elimination show, she is now officially my vote for the worst reality show judge EVER. She’s not only weak minded, but weak willed as well. If she eliminated a singer because she believed they weren’t as good as the others, that’s one thing. But to not be able to make up her mind and leave it to the audience — why are they even paying her a salary????

After performances by Lenny Kravitz and Mary J. Blige, Chris Rene and Josh Krajcik were declared safe and Melanie Amora followed soon after.

That left Marcus Canty vs. Rachel Crow. This was Marcus’ third time in the bottom, which is a good indicator that audiences aren’t really into him. Did any of the judges’ take that into account? Nope.

Marcus sang a solid rendition of “I’m Going Down,” but Rachel turned in one of her best performances to date with Etta James’ “I’d Rather Go Blind.”

LA admitted she was better, but voted to save Marcus. Why are they even having the contestants do a sing-off if a judge doesn’t care if one contestant sings better? Simon, of course, voted to keep Rachel, as did Paula. But Nicole turned into a simpering puddle and refused to vote, making it a deadlock.

And like that, Rachel was gone. If she’d been booted off because the judges really did think Marcus was better, that would be one thing. But just because a judge can’t make up their mind? That’s practically criminal.

And Nicole couldn’t have felt worse because, although Rachel had told Nicole it was OK before the decision, she collapsed on stage with the news and wailed at the top of her lungs. Again, this is why children shouldn’t compete on national reality shows!

What I hated most was that Nicole once again made it about her, crying almost as loud as Rachel. Here’s this child in great pain in front of all America and Nicole has to make it about her. The best thing Simon could do for this show is to make sure Nicole NEVER returns. I’ll be the first to start the petition!!!

It’s obvious that I am a big Rachel fan, but I never expected her to win. She’s going to have a great career despite coming in fifth. But I can’t believe that Marcus was a better singer — she’d never been in the bottom before tonight and he’d been there three times.

Were you shocked? Did you think Marcus deserved to stay? Why do you think Rachel got the lowest number of votes? Give us your TwoCents…

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