Switched At Birth – Recap & Review – Dogs Playing Poker

photo: abc family

Switched At Birth
Dogs Playing Poker

Original Air Date: July 4, 2011

Karen Belgrad – Associate Editor


Happy 4th of July to everyone! While many are tending to sunburns and enjoying some fireworks, we’ve also got a new episode of our favorite new hit summer show to chat about!

After last week’s party debacle, many readers were angry about Bay’s insolent attitude towards her family and Daphne. Let’s see if she redeemed herself this week!

Bay and Ty (post-party) are making out pretty heavily and almost ready to … seal the deal. But with a lack of protection, they opt to wait (good call). Unfortunately, when he brings her home at three in the morning, the secret couple is busted kissing in the driveway by John. Initially, Kathryn and John rail at Bay for lying and sneaking around. But after acknowledging the forbidding a teenager to see someone always has the reverse effect, Kathryn wisely points out that Bay seems to be exploring the life she might have had. Instead of grounding, they insist she have Ty over for dinner.

Meanwhile, Regina is getting flowers and making dates with Bruce, much to Kathryn’s chagrin and continued warnings about him being a “player.” Regina shocks Kathryn when she explains she’s not looking for a relationship, as much as an opportunity to …uh… “scratch an itch”. (This is a family-friendly website covering a show on a “family”-friendly network. Enjoy my euphemisms.) Regina may also be acting out in reaction to the newspaper article that portrays the whole Kennish family as hers and Daphne’s saviors. (John just worries that the positive spin will hurt their lawsuit.)

Daphne, in attempt to break out of her break-up funk, tries to bond with Toby. When she finds out he plays poker, she finagles an invite for herself and Emmett (who apologized for his anger last week). She explains to Toby that “deafies” (her word) are excellent poker players, since they’re not as distracted and can read body language. Toby gets excited and convinces her and Emmett to scheme with him to beat his friends and split their winnings. Daphne’s hesitant, but is swayed by her desire to spend time with her brother.

Bay gets nervous about the dinner and begs Daphne and Regina to be in attendance, and both agree. Bay and Daphne repair some of last week’s damage with sincere apologies about their dating choices. When Bay hears about Daphne going to play “miniature golf” (code word for poker) with Toby, she offers up her own experience, which ended up with her giving Toby her birthday money to get out of debt. This time it’s Daphne who is stubborn, as she ignores Bay’s words of warning.

The day of the dinner, Emmett and Daphne join Toby at the poker game, but are a little stunned to see the high stakes that are being played. Daphne and Emmett stick with the plan and help him win quite a bit, but Emmett opts out quickly when he learns that Toby is in need of more winnings to help him more to pay off his gambling debt. Daphne plays along, but gets taken by fake body language, and Toby loses thousands of dollars, and blames Daphne. Plus, the game ran late, and they miss Ty’s dinner at the Kennish’s.

At the dinner, John is giving Ty the third degree about his education and career plans. Ty is actually quite adept at handling the parents, but shocks Bay when he announces that he’s enlisted in the Army and will be leaving in a week. Bay covers her shock to her parents, but lays into Ty for not telling her sooner. When she later meets with Ty, he admits he did have protection the other night, but needed to tell her he was leaving before he could be intimate with her. Bay opts to not sleep with him before he leaves, but also doesn’t want a big good-bye speech (with or without the ‘L’ word), but asks him to say what he has to say upon his return. Returning home, she sobs to Kathryn, even telling her mom that she didn’t sleep with him.

But Regina’s date with Bruce went muuuuuch better. But due to both having children at home, they opt to stay in the car and “park” for a while.

After the poker game, Daphne admits to Bay that she was right about Toby’s predilection towards big bets and big losses. And then they see him drive off to pawn his guitars. Well, in the beginning, I wondered if Toby would have a storyline of his own. Now I wonder if this story will be original, or if it will be a retread of Brandon Walsh’s gambling addiction on Beverly Hills, 90210 (original flavor).

So what did you think of this week’s episode?
• Did Bay finally come across as a little more sympathetic?
• Are you curious to see if Regina does do a follow up/counterpoint interview with the reporter?
• If Ty comes back from the army, will he have shaved his beautiful hair?
• Were you surprised that nobody brought up the legality of Bay and Ty’s age difference in all the sex talks?

And how awesome was this exchange:
Kathryn: “Do you think they might be having sex?
Regina: “Have you seen Ty without a shirt?
Kathryn: “No! Have you?
Regina: “Now that’s a washing machine!

So now you know my TwoCents on this week’s episode! Share your TwoCents, feedback, and comments below!

About Karen Belgrad

Number cruncher by day, Karen spends way too many hours watching television and reading/writing about what she just watched. When not glued to the television, Karen sings karaoke, checks out live music, and roots for the Chicago Blackhawks and Cubs. Pop culture trivia and the Kevin Bacon game are her useless special talents. Managing Editor for TwoCentsTV.com [twitter:karenb0716]
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3 Responses to Switched At Birth – Recap & Review – Dogs Playing Poker

  1. Nina in Anchorage says:

    I was wondering about the whole legality issue myself. Sorry to see Ty joining the Army; guess that means the actor is leaving the show. Unless he washes out, which I highly doubt of the character they’ve established. Loved the washing machine reference!

  2. Mo says:


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