Smallville – Recap & Review – Patriot

photo: cw


Original Air Date: Nov 19, 2010

Addison – Reviewer

The Vigilante Registration Act, what will happen when a hero signs it? With the help of old friend, Clark and Oliver race against time, and the Government to answer this very question. Meanwhile, Lois begins feeling left out of the superhero team but when two of the heroes are captured and tortured, everyone will come together to save their friends before it is too late.

Fort Ryan Kansas, General Slade Wilson is meeting with other Military officials about the threats from the so-called Heroes and is closely targeting the works of the Justice League. The VRA (Vigilante Registration Act) is being strongly supported by the Military and even the President. Of course nobody has signed the Act yet, no surprise there.

Meanwhile off the coast of Florida, Arthur “A.C” Curry aka Aquaman and a female companion hop onto an oil rig set up in the middle of the water. As an alarm sounds he tells her to get everyone off the rig. General Slade gets word of this and says it is another vigilante assault and they need to be taken control of. As A.C and the woman exit the water onto the shore they share a kiss while the rig explodes in the distance. Was this an act of terrorism, or does A.C know something that we don’t?

At Watchtower, Emil Hamilton is testing the Suicide Squad tattoo that was tagged onto Clark; they had used Blue Kryptonite in order to infiltrate his skin without affecting his powers. Oliver arrives after a 911 from Clark; he knows that Oliver didn’t want to return to Watchtower. Hamilton has found a way to remove the tattoos and they won’t be tracked anymore. They talk about the VRA and Aquaman’s recent actions with blowing up the oil rig. Clark believes it is the time to prove they are the good guys and is thinking of registering The Blur on the new Act. Oliver has so many oppositions to the idea and says he will register instead in order to find out what will happen, while Clark goes to deal with A.C. Over at The Daily Planet, Oliver goes to see Lois and asks if she will be attending the signing ceremony coming up. He reveals to her that he wants to register since Clark originally was going to and they cannot lose him. Lois finds it to be a very bad idea and is hurt that Clark is once again not being honest with her and keeping her in the dark. She decides to help Oliver if it will keep Clark safe.

In Miami at the aquarium, Clark confronts A.C about his act of terrorism and tells him it makes them all look bad. A.C explains that nobody was killed in the process and doesn’t need Clark to stand in his way. A.C creates a huge wave that knocks Clark into the aquarium pool. Now that he has Clark’s attention, A.C then reveals that he is not alone, he has his wife Mera helping him. Saving the world and getting married, he is one busy fish! Lois meanwhile is already digging deeper into the VRA and goes to Kansas to see General Slade Wilson; he has agreed to see her because he knows her father. He explains that the VRA is simply a declaration of intent, to only act when the Government says so. He also knows that she is pro-Blur and calls her out on it. She is able to snap a photo of blueprints on his desk and is almost caught in the process. The blueprints look like the oil rig that A.C blew up…

Back at the aquarium, Clark is out of the water and talks to A.C and Mera about their act of terrorism. A.C wants to show the Government that they won’t take them targeting the heroes since victories are won by fighters, but Clark doesn’t want to fight the Government. A.C explains that it was necessary to blow up the rig, it wasn’t as it seemed. Turns out it was a high-tech holding facility deep below the surface of the Earth, prisons for the vigilantes! That’s not all, there are more being built! In Metropolis, Lois is back at The Daily Planet when Tess confronts her about the article on the VRA since she had told Lois it was a conflict of interest and didn’t want her to write it. She defends herself, explaining that Oliver wants to register and that makes Tess curious about the whole thing. Lois tells her that they are building prisons for the heroes and after they register they are brought to these rigs and will possibly be tortured. The two walk into a press conference and watch in horror as Oliver signs the Act with General Wilson welcoming him. There is nothing they can do as the General escorts Oliver away. Lois knows she must find Clark and tracks down Dr. Hamilton to get his location, she knows he is a part of the super hero team and threatens him. So he caves and tells her Clark is in Miami with A.C, so guess where she is going?

Clark and A.C infiltrate another oil rig and discover the structure is the exact same that was used by LuthorCorp to hold the superheroes. Mera calls them to warn them that Oliver has been taken away, so the two heroes decide to split up so that they can find Oliver. He is busy being put through a series of tests, having him work out as they study him. Slade then takes Oliver to another location in the facility to find that the Military has caught A.C and they have him chained under heat lamps! Oliver has no time to think and is then knocked unconscious by Slade! The torture is to begin. Lois arrives at the aquarium and meets Mera for the first time, she introduces herself as the wife of Orin, and he will be king of the seven seas and discusses how A.C is embracing his destiny. She also points out how Lois tends to go after superior companions, A.C, Oliver, and Clark. When Clark finally shows up he is surprised to see Lois is there and wanted her to stay out of it, that’s when Tess calls and Lois sees she is a part of the team as well! Before dealing with that issue they find out that Oliver and A.C are being held at an active facility in Alaska, thanks to the picture Lois had taken earlier of the blueprints. They better hurry since Oliver is being tortured by Slade, as he is repeatedly put under water, while A.C is drying out with the heat lamps. Slade is demanding the two agree to help him trap others like them, of course they object. Mera soon shows up and uses her powers to free Oliver from the tank of water, allowing the water to drench A.C and give him his strength back and he breaks free.

When Clark confronts Slade, he is found out to be The Blur and a Kryptonite cage is activated in order to trap him. Since A.C and Oliver are about to destroy the facility Clark tells Slade he wants to save him or he will die. Slade in return insists he will die with Clark to ensure he fulfills his Military duties. Clark uses his x-ray vision and sees a symbol on Slade’s forehead, underneath the skin is the Omega symbol. Slade doesn’t realize Clark is a man of steel and the facility explodes.

Safe and sound at the Kent Farm, Clark and A.C have a heart to heart about their actions. A.C promises to lead by example and not by resistance, he also asks Clark if he will be able to handle Lois as a partner when it comes to his superhero responsibilities. In the house, Mera tells Lois that she needs to give Clark time before she is completely let in on Clark’s world, the way it was for her and A.C. The guys enter the house and Mera and A.C say their goodbyes and leave for their next adventure. Clark apologizes to Lois for not keeping her in the loop, and that he relies on her greatly. He can see their relationship works mainly because they have a different approach on things. He then takes her to Watchtower and Tess welcomes Lois to the team and will give her full access! This is so exciting! When Oliver arrives, Clark explains that everything that has happened was not by chance; that a Darkness came through the portal when he sent the Kandorians away and it feeds on people’s doubts and fears and infected Slade. He knew this from the Omega symbol inside Slade’s head. If they don’t stop it, it will infect everyone on the Earth…In our conclusion we see a secret medical facility, and Slade is being worked on, he is still alive.

That was a lot! So much happened in the episode as the VRA storyline continues. It was great to see more characters return especially Arthur Curry; I wonder who will be next? The Darkness is going to be Clark’s biggest test and we haven’t even met Darkseid yet. I’m so thrilled that they are welcoming Lois to the team, it was about time! So what will happen next, when will Darkseid be introduced and who will play him? Will Lois be able to handle the new Superhero team? Give your two cents below!

About Anne

I am 38 years old. I live with my two cats, KC & Rocky. I love crossword puzzles, playing games on my iPhone and on Facebook, I collect movie & TV DVDs, fairies, books and NASCAR memorabilia. I love sports. Philly teams especially!! I am addicted to TV. I love to talk about it!
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