Lie to Me – Recap & Review – The Canary Song

photo: fox

Lie to Me
The Canary Song

Original Air Date: Nov 8, 2010

Anne – Associate Editor

Tonight on Lie To Me, people lie. This week we touch on deaths in a mine. Timely, eh? We open on a miner named Brian complaining to his foreman, who they call Big Brother, about his check being short. Big Brother is really a jerk to him and insults him.

Next scene is Big Brother being locked in a tool room, with the methane levels raising. He gets an axe to try to get the door open. Spark and everything goes BOOM, killing him and five other miners who were on the way down.

The town is called Harper’s River, which tickled me as a Harper’s Island fan…but I digress. The owner of the mine begs Cal to prove that the company was not responsible for the deaths. Offers him any price. Meanwhile, our old FBI nemesis, Special Agent Dillon requests Foster’s help with a case pro bono. She refuses until he informs her it involves Lightman and that he’ll get internal affairs all over them if she doesn’t help. She confronts Cal and he says he’s got a case and he leaves with Wallace.

Foster pulls in Torres and they watch a video of Cal playing poker with a bunch of criminals. They call him, “Jimmy the Mouth”. Dillon wants their help bringing down the other players. So the girls bring the other players into the cube. They all have comments about “Jimmy”.

In Harper’s River, Cal goes with Mr. Wallace to the memorial service to view the surviving minors. He notices racism and a lot of contempt. Later at the bar, he confronts Brian. Then Wallace comes in and gets attacked by the other guys. Loker comes in with a baseball bat and puts an end to that. He followed Cal. Lightman yells at him, but is pleased and allows him to help. They question the guys. The oldest miner, Pete, tells them to be careful.

Cal goes down into the mine to get to the bottom of the case. Ha! See what I did there? They aren’t happy to see the new “canary”. Cal just says, “Tweet!” He continues to badger Brian. One of the guys, Hudak, is missing because he was drunk. He goes to “take care” of Connie, Brian’s bartender girlfriend. As it turns out, the guys had locked Big Brother in the tool room as a prank. They had no idea he would panic and do what he did. Hudak was afraid that Brian told Connie. Luckily, Loker had stayed behind at the bar. He saves her, but then Hudak and Connie both disappear.

Down in the mine, Cal gets the guys to admit that they meant to kill Big Brother, but not the other five. But Brian had not been involved! He had been with Connie. When they come out of the mine, Connie has a gun on Wallace, but Cal talks her down, with a little help from Brian.

Back at the office, one of the card players, Wheels, tells Foster that “Jimmy” saved his life. He played poker to get money for Wheels to pay off his debts. She gets the address for the next game, gives it to Dillon and tells him they’re done. Then she and Torres get drunk on Lightman’s whiskey. They talk about bailing Cal out again. Cal returns to find a passed out Torres and a drunk Gillian. They flirt and he thanks her for helping him. I really thought they might kiss.

I think it was a good episode. I think the B story was unnecessary except for the ending with the whiskey. But overall, the episode was entertaining. What did you think? Do you think Foster and Cal will get together? Good idea? Please comment below! Thank you for reading!

Next Week: Beyond Belief

About Anne

I am 38 years old. I live with my two cats, KC & Rocky. I love crossword puzzles, playing games on my iPhone and on Facebook, I collect movie & TV DVDs, fairies, books and NASCAR memorabilia. I love sports. Philly teams especially!! I am addicted to TV. I love to talk about it!
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