How I Met Your Mother – Recap & Review – Robots vs. Wrestlers

photo: cbs

How I Met Your Mother
Robots vs. Wrestlers

Original Air Date: May 10, 2010

Faye O – Senior Reviewer

Oh boy! How I Met Your Mother actually produced a funny episode! Thank goodness. It seemed to be a very long time since we’ve seen one. We got to experience classic Barney, the love between Lily and Marshall, and Ted’s pretentiousness.

This episode also brought us to the next step of something that we’ve been waiting a while for as well.

First, let me talk about Robin. She wasn’t in the episode much, because at the end of last week’s, she decided to take time away from the group to be with Don. I did miss her in the episode, but there really wasn’t a place for her in the storyline, so I have to be grateful to the writers for not trying to add one. We see her in the beginning when she tells Lily she cannot go out with them Saturday night and then again at the end when she joins back with the gang. That was perfect for her.

Ted and Marshall keep getting mail for the previous resident of their apartment, Marisa Heller. Throughout the years, they try to take all the mail she’s gotten and piece together her life. Finally, they get an invite to a snooty party at a building that Ted always wanted to go to. They decide to go for a little while and have Lily pretend to be Marisa Heller. When they get there, Marisa beat them to the punch, but with Ted’s convincing, she brings them all up with her. This party is perfect for Ted. The only people there are pretentious ones, and Ted doesn’t get a chance to be pretentious around his friends (who all make farting noises when he tries). Marshall, Lily, and Barney are less than impressed, and decide to make crude jokes, and end up leaving to go to the place Barney had invited them to (I’ll get to that in a minute). Ted stays, but then decides to leave once he gets a text with a photo of what he’s missing (again, I’ll get to that in a minute as well).

Lily and Marshall are discussing the possibility of having a baby. At the end of the episode, they choose the best time to have one. I’ll tell you when that is in a minute as well!

Barney. Wow, Barney. He gets tickets for Robots vs. Wrestlers, which is-you guessed it, a wrestling competition of a wrestler versus a robot. He is hell-bent on making it a group tradition, but things go wrong when Robin refuses to go, and then again when Ted stays at the boring party. While there, the wrestler is being dominated by the robot, and then suddenly takes off his mask, and it’s TED’S DOPPELGANGER!! That’s right, we found Ted’s doppelganger! Lily and Marshall decide to not have a baby until they find Barney’s doppelganger, and we also find out that the group makes this a yearly event from then on.

I loved this episode. It was HILARIOUS. What did you all think? Please leave your TwoCents in the comments. This is my final How I Met Your Mother review for the season since I leave Saturday to go overseas. I had a wonderful season with you all, and I hope you enjoy the final two episodes. Thanks!

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2 Responses to How I Met Your Mother – Recap & Review – Robots vs. Wrestlers

  1. Farrah says:

    You forgot to describe Ted’s Doppelganger! A Mexican wrestler with a huge fro for hair!!

    I loved Ted at the party and his “AHA I’m a d-bag” moment while reciting the poem in Italian. It was great. But I also like that he found a group that didn’t fart while he talked (HA, hilarious). It wouldn’t be so bad if they did things apart (gasp) once in a while.

    And the GONG!!!!! OMG, the gong was hilarious.

    I could go on .. because like you said, this was finally a funny episode!

  2. Maria says:

    I am such a biased fangirl, even though last episode was worse, I still preferred it because it gave me so many ideas. This episode was great entertainment, but I was still lost in my own world and couldn’t enjoy it.

    I am uber-protective of Barney. I don’t like it when his insecurities are exploited for humour, even though that seems to be the purpose of his whole character. It bugs me that his friends don’t even try to help him. Barney needs them and instead of trying to make Barney more independent, they just accept and complain about it.

    I loved the end of this episode though. With one member of the pretentious party reciting Marshall’s comments whilst he’s alone in the elevator.

    I think the humour of social situations and social cliques is lost on me, I much prefer it when wit is found in the dialogue or in the structure as opposed to an event or situation. I’m an oddball. *shrugs*

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