Chuck – Recap & Review – Chuck Vs. The American Hero

photo: nbc

Chuck Vs. The American Hero

Original Air Date: Mar 29, 2010

Jeff L – Staff Writer

Last week Chuck “kills” a guy and this week we learn that Sarah killed Superman’s wife (Lois?). Chuck finally proclaims his love for Sarah now that he’s a real spy and about to begin his mission overseas, but it maybe too little too late.

The Ring sends Curtis Manning from 24 to Washington to retrieve a data capsule from inside the body of the man Chuck “killed” last week. He runs into Chuck, who’s in the office to meet with General Grandma, but Chuck doesn’t flash and the Ring agent is able to slip past him and into the morgue – where he kills Ida from The Middleman and snatches the data capsule from the corpse.

General Grandma tries, unsuccessfully, to send Chuck to Rome immediately and alone, but Chuck’s not having it. Granny gives him one week to put his ducks in a row and report for duty. The government, in a funny Miss Moneypenny-esque scene, offers to fly Chuck anywhere he wants to go. His reply? Burbank. Bob Hope International.

Back home, the troops (Awesome, Morgan, and Casey) decide to rally to help Chuck win back Sarah. Casey hopes Chuck will hire him for his team once he’s sent to Rome. Same with Morgan. Awesome, on the other hand, just wants Chuck gone so he and Ellie can do the Doctors Without Borders thing.

Chuck finds Sarah at Castle, but she doesn’t want to have anything to do with him now that he’s a certified killer. Sarah tells Chuck in no uncertain terms that she’ll be going to Washington with Superman and Chuck’s on his own.

In the Spy More, Morgan and Casey enlist the help of super-stalkers Jeff and Lester in Operation Chuck and Sarah.

The crew of Awesome, Morgan and Casey (in Jeff’s van) grab Chuck and pull him into Jeff’s van. They stake out the restaurant where Sarah and Superman are dining. Morgan has a plan to distract Superman so Chuck can make his move, but the Ring is also watching. Morgan uses a voice-disguiser and calls the restaurant to get Superman to leave Sarah’s table.

Chuck moves in, but it comes down to not being able to tell Sarah that Casey really pulled the trigger on his “red test” last week. He can’t betray Casey and himself in order to be with Sarah.

Morgan tricks Superman into leaving the restaurant but Curtis Manning and the other Ring agents move in. Superman uses Morgan as a human shield to keep from being tased. He then takes out the Ring agents and runs back to the restaurant for Sarah. Superman makes it to the front of the restaurant before Curtin Manning has recovered and caught up. He pulls his gun, but doesn’t immediately shoot Superman. Just then, Devon moves in and tackles Superman crashing him through the restaurant window and scaring off Manning. Superman tells him to tackle the guy with the gun next time.

Some time later, Ellie had bailed Awesome, Casey and Morgan out of jail. She then lays into Chuck for going to those three for love advice before coming to his own sister. She tells Chuck he can’t give up until he wins Sarah back.

At Castle, General Grandma informs Superman of the data capsule that was stolen from the corpse in the morgue. She tasks Superman with finding the capsule, but the American Hero has a better and more destructive/suicidal idea. He explains how the Ring didn’t shoot him on sight, so they must want him alive for some reason. He says he’ll swallow a tracker and then turn himself over to the Ring and General Grandma can call in an air-strike on his location.

Jeff and Lester (Jeffster!) are upset they weren’t involved in the mission the previous night that landed the crew in jail. They decide to track Sarah’s new boyfriend (Superman) themselves. Meanwhile, in Castle, Sarah decides she can’t let Superman go on the suicide mission alone. However, before she can leave, Chuck puts Castle and Sarah in lockdown and heads out to save the day himself.

The Ring agents meet with Shaw, but quickly discover his tracking device which they remove. Luckily, Jeffster! is on his tail. Sarah yanks some wires that control the wall display at the Spy More and uses Morse code to signal Casey that she needs help in Castle. Casey releases Sarah and spills the beans about pulling the trigger on Chuck’s “red test” last week.

Chuck follows the tracker signal in his Nerd mobile, but doesn’t find Shaw. Just then, Jeff and Lester call to tell him they’re watching Superman for him. He grabs Sup’s much cooler car and heads to find him.

Chuck talks Jeff and Lester into leaving and then heads into the warehouse where the Ring took Superman. He drops several floors in a secret passage after flashing on a Dr. Jibb soda machine.

Downstairs, the Ring leader Romo Lampki tells Superman he doesn’t want to kill him. He wants to give him a gift. He lights up a video display wall and shows footage of Lois Lane being killed by Sarah. Remember her “red test” flashback last week? Superman freaks and and goes for the Ring director, but he’s just a hologram.

Chuck flashes and fights his way inside the compound and finds Superman unconscious. Just then the air-strike launches their bunker busters on the warehouse. Sarah pulls up in her Porshe just as the warehouse explodes. She’s devastated, thinking she’s just lost both Chuck and Superman, but as we all know, cool guys don’t look as they walk away from explosions ( and Chuck carries the American Hero out of the flames on his shoulders.

Back at Castle, General Grandma congratulates Sarah on saving Superman and taking out the Ring compound. Sarah protests that it was all Chuck. Chuck enters and tells Sarah that he loves her. He repeats it over and over in a very satisfying scene. He tells her they should both quit being spies and just move to Mexico. He offers to meet her at the train station and they can start their new lives together. Sarah doesn’t agree to go with Chuck, but the two kiss and Chuck leaves telling her that if she’s going to come with him she’ll be at the train station at 7:00 p.m.

Sarah is packing, to go where we’re not sure, she pulls out her gun and leaves it on the bed. Telling us that she’s decided to go with Chuck. Just as she’s about to walk out the door, Superman rushes in and tells her she must come with him quickly. She leaves her gun on the bed and follows.

Chuck, at the train station, gets an urgent message from General Grandma. She tells Chuck they recovered some data from the Ring warehouse and shows it to Chuck. It’s the video of Sarah shooting Lois Lane. Chuck immediately asks where Sarah is and if Grandma knew anything about Sarah killing Superman’s wife. She says Sarah is with Superman and she denies having any knowledge that Sarah’s red test was Sup’s wife.

Sarah asks where she and Superman are going, “to settle an old score,” he informs her.

Finally! Chuck laid his cards on the table with Sarah. We’ve been waiting for that since season one. We’re left with a great cliff-hanger that the previews for next week don’t spoil and it looks like the Superman/Sarah story arc has finally come to and end (or at least it’s about to, one way or another). It seems a little unbelievable that Chuck would quit the spy business just to be with Sarah after spending so much time (three seasons) trying to become a spy in the first place.

What did you all think of “Chuck vs. the American Hero”? What do you think is going to happen to Superman and Sarah? Is Casey going to remain a civilian forever? Is Chuck going to quit being a spy? Is NBC going to renew Chuck for another season? Tune in to to find out and check back next week for “Chuck versus the Other Guy.”

NBC ordered 13 episodes originally for this season (before expanding the order) so next week’s episode was originally written as the season finale. Should be good.

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7 Responses to Chuck – Recap & Review – Chuck Vs. The American Hero

  1. Jaqob says:

    I am pretty sure near the end you meant to write EXPECT instead of EXCEPT.

    Decent analysis of the show. I’ve never gotten the whole “If Chuck intentionally kills a bad treasonous traitor guy using a gun that makes him unlovable as far as I’m concerned” rationale that Sarah has.

    This kind of writing WREAKS of this idiotic leftist idea that guns are “bad” so lots of people having guns with them in an area is bad and “scary” and anyone that uses guns to harm or kill is a very bad evil person.

    I just can’t imagine a CIA agent ever thinking like that. Especially since Chuck killing that traitor in the previous episode would be a GOOD and HEROIC act that saved innocent American lives and prevented the spread of identities that The Ring could take advantage of in various ways.

    That is the big problem I have with this writing arc. But also, with this episode I have some important technical concerns like:

    1) How the hell did Casey get into the castle since he is a civilian and no longer has clearance to get in there using one of those retina scans?
    2) When Chuck came out of that bombed building with Shaw, where the hell did they come from? Were they already outside of the building? Or were they beneath somewhere and once it had been blown up they came out? Because even if they were within 20 feet of it it probably would have killed them both pretty easily, right?
    3) How does Shaw get such easy and quick clearance to get up and run off with Sarah like he did? And why does he and Hannah and others always look so lucid immediately after regaining consciousness?

  2. Jaqob says:

    Decent review of the show. I’ve never gotten the whole “If Chuck intentionally kills a bad treasonous traitor guy using a gun that makes him unlovable as far as I’m concerned” rationale that Sarah has.

    This kind of writing WREAKS of this idiotic leftist idea that guns are “bad” so lots of people having guns with them in an area is bad and “scary” and anyone that uses guns to harm or kill is a very bad evil person.

    I just can’t imagine a CIA agent ever thinking like that. Especially since Chuck killing that traitor in the previous episode would be a GOOD and HEROIC act that saved innocent American lives and prevented the spread of identities that The Ring could take advantage of in various ways.

    That is the big problem I have with this writing arc. But also, with this episode I have some important technical concerns like:

    1) How the hell did Casey get into the castle since he is a civilian and no longer has clearance to get in there using one of those retina scans?
    2) When Chuck came out of that bombed building with Shaw, where the hell did they come from? Were they already outside of the building? Or were they beneath somewhere and once it had been blown up they came out? Because even if they were within 20 feet of it it probably would have killed them both pretty easily, right?
    3) How does Shaw get such easy and quick clearance to get up and run off with Sarah like he did? And why does he and Hannah and others always look so lucid immediately after regaining consciousness?

  3. dadiva18 says:

    I thought the episode was great! Chuck finally grew a pair and told Sarah that he loves him (which made me squee) and it was great!
    I am quite interested in next week, and one of the future epis name is (is I am not mistaken and SPOILER ALERT!) “Chuck vs. The Ring pt.2” Hmmmm….

  4. dadiva18 says:

    *he loves her


  5. Jeff L says:

    Oh there WILL be typos. 🙂 That’s the title of my autobiography. Daniel Day Lewis will play my keyboard in the movie version.

  6. karen says:

    Good ep but I am starting to get a bit tired of the “she loves him, now she doesn’t, he lover her, wait…maybe not” run for so many weeks. Not liking the Superman guy, he is just a waste. I would love for it to end up with Chuck not being a spy (because he didn’t pass the test), Casey still a rogue civilian and Sarah quiting, and they all becoming something like the A-Team…maybe throw a little Awesomeness into the package too. Then playing spys and doing some fun stuff.

  7. tripp3235 says:

    I have to say, my interest in the show dropped dramatically once Superman entered the picture. I really hated his character and the actor.

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