Private Practice – Recap & Review – Another Second Chance

photo: abc

Private Practice
Another Second Chance

Original Air Date: Jan 14, 2010

Farrah Kaye – Associate Editor

Not exactly continuing from the crossover, we still must remember the events that occurred previously with our friends at Oceanside Wellness and that other practice where Naomi, Pete and Sheldon work (Pacific Wellcare?). Coop and Charlotte are fighting, Violet still isn’t mothering Lucas, Dell’s wife died while cooking meth and he wouldn’t let their daughter say goodbye, Addy and Sam have been getting uber close and that about sums it up. Now, onto the sort of crossover…

Dell, Naomi, Betsey and Maya (eh?) are at Heather’s grave laying flowers on her headstone. Betsey is completely ignoring Dell and has Naomi take her to school. Back at the practice, Coop and Charlotte have an awkward non-verbal interaction in the elevator. Mark and Sloan are in a room, Addy doing an ultrasound on Sloan. With her blood pressure through the roof, Addy suggests Pete do some acupuncture on Sloan to help calm her down. Pete and Mark do not get off to a good start. Coop makes a house call to a patient who is making excuses for his mom being a good mom and when Coop walks in, we have a horrible case of hoarding. Coop is taken aback but takes the cast off and finds out his patient (Cody) has an infection. Oh the TV gods love me today! It’s Faith from Third Watch! First Kim Raver on GA, now Molly Price on PP. They could have a reunion or something. Just kidding. Coop goes to Violet for help. Coop has a lot of anger, at everything, but mainly it’s at Charlotte and he’s taking it out on everyone. He says he’s going to call Child Protective Services if the mom doesn’t clean up soon. Mark and Addy are yelling about their attitudes when Addy tells Mark about her mom being a lesbian (yay consistency!) and Mark tells her about Lexie. They commiserate on the couch and here’s where that preview comes in. I’m just waiting for it. As Addy talks about how to deal with the sadness, she talks about Naomi using food to numb her pain and sadness, Mark starts stripping. Ah, nice way to get to the dirty dirtyness. Eric Dane, my you age well.

A preview for next week when this week isn’t even over yet? WEIRD.

As they giggle like teenagers on the floor of the office and reminisce of the days of old, Sam, yes, SAM, walks in on the them, followed by Pete. Sam is giving Addy a scolding look. Faith, or Cody’s mom, the hoarder, I don’t know what her name is in this show to be honest (they never use names that often), is at Violet’s for help. Does Violet know how to help everyone? Wow. She walks out mid-session. Addy goes to Sam and tells him he has 30 seconds to lecture him on her business practices but not her personal business. Word has already spread and Naomi comes in asking about the floor sex. Sam brings up Addison coming on to Sam and him turning her down and how that makes him a good person. Oh man, Sam … you can see the hurt. Dell and Naomi watch as Maya and Betsey play together, neither one talking to their parents. Naomi says to cut Betsey some slack because she’s 7. Mark, Addy, Naomi and Sam are hanging out on Addy’s deck (or is it Naomi’s or Sam’s? They’re all neighbors…I assume it’s Addy’s…) and Mark says how beautiful the view is and how he can get used to it and how he should move there and join the practice and him and Addy can raise the baby. Uh, what was in his wine?? He says it feels right. Well, a million dollars feels right but I don’t have that.

Violet goes to meet with the hoarder and since she’s not a hoarding specialist, she just doesn’t get how to deal with her. She just tries to convince Violet that she’s not crazy. Addy begins to operate on Sloan when Sam comes in to talk to her. Instead of talking about specifics, he tells her he’s going to talk about “dogs.” When talking to mom doesn’t work, Violet goes to talk to Cody. Cody seems to be the adult in the mother-son relationship and he explains about when his dad and sister died (there had never been a mention of a sister before). Back in the OR, Sam is blabbing on about dogs and Addy isn’t paying attention. He compares Mark to a doxen, because doxens eat their own poop and are dirty. As Sam is blabbing on, Sloan starts to bleed out.

Sam blames himself at first for distracting Addy but it wasn’t his fault. Mark freaks out about the AVM blowing and Addy tries to calm him down. Addy and Sam convince him to go for a walk with Naomi to calm down. When Coop and Violet go to visit Cody, he has been checked out by his mother and Coop says he’s calling family services. Violet tells him to get a grip and deal with his own problems. When he asks for her advice, she tells him to talk to Charlotte herself. At the breakfast table, both Maya and Betsey both won’t eat or talk. Dell still feels horrible and Naomi says she should apologize. Naomi says it’s time for some tough love though. She thinks he should’ve let Betsey say goodbye to Heather and he also owes Pete an apology for punching him and that Betsey has a right to be upset. When Sloan wakes up from the surgery, she’s disoriented and doesn’t know where she is and just wants her mom. She doesn’t want the baby or Mark or anything … she just wants her old life and her mommy. Props to Leven Rambin for an excellent job during this scene. I actually got a bit choked up!

Pete and Addy are talking about Sloan and how no one has talked to her about her options (like adoption). Since Addy is her doctor, she feels an obligation to tell her she has options. Addy remembers the time when she was pregnant with Mark’s baby and had the abortion. Holy moly, two reminders of past events in one episode? I think I might pass out! Sam stops in to see how Sloan is doing and in not so many words tells Mark he cares about Addy. Doesn’t anyone else get it?? At the practice, Coop finally confronts Charlotte about why she lied and they let it all out. Mark is looking for Addison and comes upon Pete with Lucas. Mark keeps saying he’s going to have a kid. Mid-life crisis? He’s gonna flip out if/when Sloan leaves or Sloan gives up the baby. Unless, UNLESS, his romp on the floor knocks up Addy. OOHHHHH. Idea! Anyway, he realizes he doesn’t even know how to hold a baby and then Pete hands him Lucas. Good practice for Eric, considering his wife is gonna pop any second. Back with Charlotte and Coop they are arguing to no end about how he feels like less of a man because she bought his way back into the practice and how she just wants to have sex. Okay, anyone else live in Vegas? My station messed up and cut right into this amazing scene for a news promo! URGH! Okay, back to C&C, Charlotte was saying she had to save him from his sex perv stuff that he lost his money to. They keep fighting as we go to commercial.

Addison goes to Sloan to check up on her and to also tell her about adoption. You can tell she is right on board. C&C are at a point where Coop feels he can’t do or say anymore. Coop gets all heartless and we finally realize that Charlotte had real emotions all along. Back at Cody’s, DCFS is on their way to inspect the house or take Cody away. Violet goes on a question rampage to break the barrier and it breaks her and she starts throwing things out … the front door. Right onto the lawn and right as the DCFS officer drives up. Dell finds Pete in the elevator at the practice and apologizes, and he accepts. Mark and Addy are talking and he mentions Sam’s name and Addy perks up, wondering what they had talked about. Mark says this is an ideal situation, a baby with three parents and the two of them being together again. Addy tells him not to ask her to help him raise the baby anymore if he’s still in love with “the Grey girl” and she looks all sad and vulnerable. Mark just says “I’m sorry, I’m sorry Red…” and thus endeth the hotness of Mark and Addy. Dell continues his apologizes with Betsey next. He talks to Betsey like she’s a small adult and I love that about Dell as a dad and I love the little girl that plays Betsey. Betsey forgives him and they finally talk and hug. Naomi tells Maya that if she’s not going to talk to her about what’s going on, talk to someone. Considering we’ve already seen the preview for next week, we know what’s coming. But I didn’t write about the preview, so I’ll tell ya now: Maya’s pregnant and she goes to Addison to tell her.

Next week, Naomi can’t handle the Maya news and Addison is there for her. That’s pretty much it.

So, thoughts on this week’s episode and the end of the crossover? What about Dell and Betsey living with Naomi, and now with Maya being pregnant? Think Naomi will take out her frustrations by doing something stupid with Dell? MMMM. What about Coop/Charlotte, Sam/Addy, or maybe even a Pete/Addy pairing in the future? Leave your two cents below!

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2 Responses to Private Practice – Recap & Review – Another Second Chance

  1. Sandy says:

    Kim Raver plays a doc on Grey’s anatomy, not Molly on Private Practice.

  2. sally says:

    sorry, misunderstood what you wrote about kim raver and molly price – got it now.

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