Family Guy – Recap & Review – Spies Reminiscent of Us

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photo: fox

Family Guy
Spies Reminiscent of Us

Original Air Date: Oct 11, 2009

Thomas Nikl – Staff Writer

Peter and Lois start out fighting about who gets to use the bathroom first in the morning. Soon he starts using Cleveland’s old house for the bathroom. But soon Chevy Chase and Dan Akryod move into Cleveland’s old house. What kind of shenanigans will the former SNL stars and the Griffins get into? Come with me to find out!

Soon Peter is trying to pitch himself to be in a movie with the guys. I don’t think Chevy and Dan are having it but Stewie seems to really enjoy it. Soon Stewie and Brian are a little suspicious about why Chevy and Dan have moved into Quahog so they go on a little spying mission. Soon they’re racing down a trap elevator into the basement of Cleveland’s old house. Chevy and Dan are running DUMP (Deep Underground Military Protection Facility – the “f” is silent, apparently) working for the federal government.

Dan and Chevy explain that the former KGB brainwashed certain American citizens to carry out orders if they ever heard the proper command. The command was “Gosh, that Italian family at the table next to us sure is quiet”. Haha. Awesome. Dan, Chevy, Stewie and Brian are briefing Mayor West- where they utter the phrase- and Mayor West goes into a Russian trance! Queue the fun fight scene! LOL.

Soon, the US spies arrive in Russia where they are arrested and brought to see my doppelganger, Prime Minister Putin. But Mr. Putin is actually quite helpful, as a cold war sleeper agent being activated would be an embarrassment to Russia. They track Mayor West down but he’s just launched an ICBM. The gang is just kind of hanging around and then Dan has a great idea- to disarm the warhead! Hoorah!

Meanwhile, Peter is still butt hurt that Dan and Chevy did not find him funny, so he, Quagmire and Joe decide to do improve and prove them wrong! First the gang tries to come up with a clever improve group name. Quagmire and Joe and Peter try some improve but Peter keeps using the original John Wayne “Pilgrim” joke. Haha. Quagmire is really into this improve thing. It’s pretty amusing. Joe is trying, too. Peter is, well, awful, as per usual.

Quagmire finally goes on stage and plays some improv (I remember these from high school drama class haha). Peter totally upstages Quagmire with his John Wayne / Pilgrims / Thanksgiving bit. It was actually kind of funny.

Best callback joke:
The fuseulage of the disarmed rocket crashing into Cleveland’s new house while he is in the bathtub, falling out, and going “no no no no”. hahaha. That was awesome.

Best cut scene:
Mike Brady’s first wife.

Best Quote:
“I didn’t just bite into a York Peppermint Patty, did I?”
– Mayor Adam West

Well, readers, that’s my two cents. All in all, thought the episode was kind of weak, but maybe I am just tired. Considering they had Dan Akroyd and Chevy Chase as guest voices I think this could have been way better! What do you think?

About Tom

Just a huge Disney Dork trying to spread the Disney love!
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