Degrassi – Recap & Review – U Don’t Know (Part One and Two)

photo: teennick

U Don’t Know (Part One and Two)

Original Air Date: Aug 8-9, 2011

Karen Belgrad – Senior Editor

First off, my cable provider had this listed as “Rock Your Body” instead of “U Don’t Know”. So no matter which title you’re looking for, this is the right place to be!

Well, this two-parter had three very strong storylines. I usually list them in order of importance, but with Holly J being clearly the main arc, the other two were equally compelling. Usually we have a tiny third story, with either comic or no ramifications, but that wasn’t the case this week at all. So let’s discuss!

Story#1: Holly J is still receiving dialysis, but it’s not going as well as hoped. Her doctor puts her on daily treatments and advises she needs to start giving serious consideration to a kidney transplant. When none of her immediate family is blood-type compatible, she pretty quickly realizes she might be adopted. After confirming a lack of baby photos, she confronts her mother who confirms her suspicions. After some online digging and form submissions, Holly J quickly tracks down her birth mother, Dawn. Dawn turns out to be a working single mother of two, so Holly J is reticent to ask her to consider donating a kidney. After her initial hesitation, Dawn does get tested and is a match… but wants $20,000 in exchange for donating her kidney.

Verdict: Has any character matured as much as Holly J? I loved how she didn’t let her shock turn into anger at her parents. She knows who raised and loved her, and that they are her parents in every way that counts. And how great of a friend was Fiona to be tested? Although Fiona is sometimes quite naïve (see: Charlie), she and Holly J really have a beautiful and refreshing friendship. As for Dawn, I understand that she needs to provide for her family during her recuperation, but certainly there may have been a way to broach it without sounding like an extortionist! And is it just me, or are there a lot of cliff hangers this season?

Imogen is determined to win the part of “Clara” in Eli’s play. In order to master the part, she begins mimicking Claire until she calls her out on it. Clare agrees to tutor her in all things Clare, down to the wardrobe, but in exchange Clare wants Imogen to make “Clara” more sympathetic. Imogen nails her audition so well that she and Eli (in character as “Ari”) end up in a passionate kiss at the end of her reading. She gets the part, but is devastated when Eli tells her he’s not in the right place emotionally to date. In order to “help” him move on, Imogen arranges it so she and Eli bump into Clare and Jake on a date. Clare calls her on her shenanigans, but Imogen’s plan is additionally squelched when Eli informs her that he’s not over Clare at all. In fact, Eli arranges for Jake to work on set construction so he can keep his “enemies” closer.

Verdict: So, Imogen is just bat-poop nutty, right? The question is if she’s merely unstable or actually has the potential to be dangerous? When Eli first went off his meds, he seemed to be instantly erratic. Since then, he’s actually seemed to be very controlled, which is surprising to me. I’m starting to like Clare and Jake (CAke) as less intense couple, but with all the lurking drama, I see some rocky roads ahead. Are you hoping for an EClare reunion, or are you onboard for some CAke?

Story#3: While interviewing Katie about the upcoming prom fashion show, Adam finds himself with quite the new crush. Adam volunteers to be part of the fashion show, but the tight tuxedo shirt does little to hide his wrapped breasts. When Marisol tells him that he’s not Katie’s type, he even asks Dave to confirm that his chest isn’t as hidden as he’d hoped. Adam tells his mother he wants chest reconstruction surgery. She’s resistant, but agrees to talk to his counselor with him. The counselor suggests that he’s not ready as his body is still changing, but recommends a compression vest to help with his immediate issue. When Katie tells him she’s not into him in “that way”, Adam plays it off. But he is compelled to join a female-to-male (FTM) social network to interact with others like him.

Verdict: After all of their recent upheaval, Dave has really come around as a great friend to Adam, hasn’t he? Sometimes educating others really does make a difference. I really felt for Adam, as he clearly felt he was ready for the surgery, but the adults reasoning for waiting did make sense. His mother is clearly still on a learning curve of how to choose her words, but Adam is also still learning to have patience with those who are on his side. I thought Katie handled Adam’s crush quite well, and I hope we see more friendship develop between the two.

Well, you’ve got My TwoCents! Share your TwoCents, thoughts, opinions, and disagreements below!

About Karen Belgrad

Number cruncher by day, Karen spends way too many hours watching television and reading/writing about what she just watched. When not glued to the television, Karen sings karaoke, checks out live music, and roots for the Chicago Blackhawks and Cubs. Pop culture trivia and the Kevin Bacon game are her useless special talents. Managing Editor for [twitter:karenb0716]
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