Degrassi – Recap & Review – Idioteque

photo: teennick


Original Air Date: Jul 21, 2011

Karen Belgrad – Senior Editor


So after last night’s episode messed with the format we are comfortable with, tonight, we returned to form. We had our A, B, and C story, although one of them was decidedly high on the ick factor.

Tonight felt like a regular Degrassi episode with online posting mishaps, judgmental friends, bloodshed, inappropriate sex, and … panty raids. Yes, you read that right.

Story#1: Drew is a bundle of nerves since Vince was released from jail. He’s jumpy and paranoid, hitting the deck in class at loud sounds and ducking into alleys on his way home from school. He lets Bianca know that he holds her accountable for the downward spiral his life has taken since they got together. He basically puts it to Bianca to fix the situation with Vince.

So Bianca goes to Vince and offers to do whatever it takes to get him to leave Drew alone. So, naturally, Vince propositions her and after initial resistance, she agrees. Once she tells Drew that she “fixed” it (no details, of course), he tells her they should go their separate ways and get a fresh start. She agrees to disappear. As he’s walking home, a few of Vince’s “friends” corner Drew, tell him that Bianca’s hook-up fixed nothing, and beat him to a bloody pulp. They don’t kill him, but promise to find him “when it’s time”.

Verdict: Well, the season previews gave away what could’ve been compelling story moments. It’s hard to judge since nothing surprising happened (despite the online speculation that Drew was going to die tonight). Although we’ve had a lot of Drew moments, I really wish we’d gotten more character development on Bianca. How did she end up with the gang crowd in the first place? All we really know is that she’s self-destructive, but seemed motivated by trying not to lose Drew, but not really sure why she wanted to keep him. Were you gripped by this story arc or was it paint-by-numbers after school special for you?

Story#2: After her hook-up with Owen at Fiona’s apartment, Anya is horrified to see Owen alluding to it in a cryptic online post. Holly J and Fiona are disgusted that someone had sex with Owen at the part, deducing the girl must have no self-esteem. (Hey, I said that in my review last night!) When Anya continues to rebuff him, Owen posts an additional online hint that inflames Anya to send him an accidentally public reply decrying their one night stand. Holly J and Fiona are stunned to learn its true, but don’t actually offer an opinion, which Anya reads as them judging her. She and Owen talk and when he cops to being into her, she kisses him.

Verdict: Well, on one hand, I’m glad to see Anya interacting with a boy her own age. But on the other side, we really need to see something redeemable/relatable about Owen for this couple to have any rooting value. Right now, it just seems as Anya is jumping at the first boy to compliment her.

Story#3: Connor enlists Wesley to stand guard as he steals MissOh’s underwear while she showers in the locker room. Once Wesley realizes that Connor also has Fiona’s pair that he stole during the party, he tells him to stop. So, of course, Connor goes into the locker room during swim practice and pilfers more girls’ undergarments.

Verdict: Eew. Gross. Are they trying to pawn this off as part of Connor’s awkwardness due to his Asperger’s Syndrome? Because I certainly hope not, because this is just straight up skeevy behavior. I hope this story ends soon.

Next week, we go to two-part episodes, so look for my recap/reviews on Tuesday and Thursday nights after the second half airs! But for now, you’ve got my TwoCents… so share your TwoCents, comments, and feedback below!

About Karen Belgrad

Number cruncher by day, Karen spends way too many hours watching television and reading/writing about what she just watched. When not glued to the television, Karen sings karaoke, checks out live music, and roots for the Chicago Blackhawks and Cubs. Pop culture trivia and the Kevin Bacon game are her useless special talents. Managing Editor for [twitter:karenb0716]
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1 Response to Degrassi – Recap & Review – Idioteque

  1. Galbert-Kun says:

    Good review, next week should be really interesting with Imogen getting into the foray.

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