Sons of Anarchy – Recap & Review – Small World

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photo: fx

Sons of Anarchy
Small World

Original Air Date: Oct 17, 2012

Lyssa G – TwoCents Reviewer

Welcome to the sixth week of Sons of Anarchy! Last week had a lot of humor and a lot of fun. This week I have a feeling that they are going to take us back on a more serious path.

There are a lot of different things that still need to be settled with the club. Jax still has no idea that the home invasions have anything to do with his own club. Gemma and Nero are done now because Jax made him promise that he would end that relationship. Also now that the club is getting in business with Nero, they have to figure out how to work in the escort business. Lets see where this goes!

We start out this week with Gemma and Tara talking about where Jax is. Tara is starting to trust her again. She picks up the newspaper and sees that Rita was hit by one of the home invasions. She is currently in intensive care. Jax meets up with Pope. Asks that he helps find who is behind the home invasions. Pope makes a deal with him that he knows how much they mule and that if they double the haul that they bring back from Arizona that he will move the other half out to Vegas and that he will hand Jax 100 thousand for hauling the coke on top of what the cartel gives them, as well as a 2 percent cut to Jax on the side. Jax agrees to talk to the club about it as well as the Mayans, Niners, and Henry Lin. Unser comes to talk to Roosevelt about Rita. They both know that there is an issue with the Sons. Roosevelt is pulled by a doctor, we see Rita, dead in her hospital bed, now not only has he lost his wife, he has lost his unborn child too.

We see Clay in the doctor’s office. Clay’s lung is looking good. He is looking pretty great, he has to keep up with the rehab and the doctor will see him back in 2 months. Clay decides to play it off that he is still half dead. He walks over to Unser, finds out that Rita did not make it out of intensive care. Unser sits down to talk to him. He knows that it isn’t Pope or anyone in his crews. Unser says that he thinks that it is local issue. Someone is “stirring the pot.” Clay asks if he has any info as to who is behind the attack on Rita, but the look on his face screams something different. Gemma is at home, looks like Gemma just got out of the shower. Carla pulls a gun on her and tells her to go to the bedroom. She calls someone and moves them into the bedroom. Unser is going to check on Gemma. As he is pulling up he sees that Nero is walking up to the house. Carla tells them both to get undressed and tells them both to get into bed. As Nero and Gemma are in the bed together, they are supposed to start having sex. Nero says no that he is not going to do that. He tells her that she can shoot him. She tells him that she wanted to go out watching him do his thing. He says a prayer in Spanish as she is on the floor. Nero tells Gemma that she was his half-sister and that she was in love with him. Gemma tells Nero that she will clean everything up and that it will all be ok. Unser is over at the Roosevelt house looking for information on the home invasions when Gemma attempts to call him and when he doesn’t answer; she calls Clay to clean it up.

Jax and the guys are in church. They are talking about how Pope is going to end up being more of an ally than an enemy. Jax talks to the guys about doubling the coke and calls a vote. The vote passes and they are getting deeper in bed with Pope. Bobby pulls Jax aside and asks if he has heard from Tara yet. Jax tells him that he hasn’t as of yet. We jump over to Tara in prison. She is getting information on how she is going to go through procedures. She also makes the request to see Otto. Jax has a meeting with the different groups. They all decided that this is a good move for all the different clubs. They like the idea of making the business a bit bigger. As that meeting ends, Popes guy comes up and tells them that they cannot get anything on the home invasions, but that they can get them some information on Sergeant Macky. Jax and the guys break into the sergeant’s house. They end up tying up him and his wife and gagging them both. They know that the wife would have been an issue, Tig shoots her. While the Macky is sitting on the floor, Jax tells the guys to look for a pipe. Tig found a hammer and a snow globe. He says that it is a small world. Jax tells the Sergeant to apologize for what he did. Jax looks over to the guys and tells them “I got this.” Jax bashes his head in with the snow globe.

Tara is in the prison with Otto. He tells her that he does not need medical care. Tara tells him that Bobby was telling the truth. Tells him about what is going on with the Rico case and how he needs to retract his testimony. He asks that she not make another visit or he is going to do something that he will regret.

Tig and the guys are talking about where they are going to drop the bodies. They are taking about taking Phil and Happy up to deal with this situation. Chibs checks in with Tig. Tig tells him that was really good for him and that it helped.

Gemma is at the hospital with Abel. Tara comes in to talk to her about the boys for a bit. Gemma decides to leave. Tara thanks her for coming to check on the boys as she is leaving. Gemma bumps into Unser in the hospital. She stops him and he is angry. He is still in love with her, sadly he sees the truth about her now, the truth he didn’t want to see, that she is just a user.

Jax comes to sit down with Pope again. He does not know who is behind the home invasions. He is not sure who else it could be. Pope tells Jax that he needs to look inside to see who it is that is trying to compromise him. Jax knows that there are few that he can trust now. “Fear protects me, greed insures it.” Roosevelt tries to get Jax, Chibs and Bobby to pull over, but instead of pulling them over the legitimate way, he decides to run Bobby off the road. Roosevelt knows that there is an issue with the club. Jax tries to push that he is here to help and he does not want any trouble with the sheriff.

Nero stops by to see Gemma while Clay is at the house. Clay tells him that he took care of cleaning everything up. Clay asks Nero if his relationship with Gemma is going anywhere. He tells Clay that he honestly does not know. Gemma is sitting at a bar as Nero and Clay are talking. A guy walks up and asks to buy her a drink.

Tara talks to Jax about how she did not see Otto and how she is going to go back the following week to see what is going on with Otto. Tara tells him that she will be the one to get to Otto to get him to retract his statement. Jax asks Tara to go up to the Cabin for a couple of days and they’re going to leave the boys with Gemma for the time being.

Juice is dropping off Clay at his new house. Clay seems to be on his own path at the moment. He takes off his oxygen as he is about to walk in the house. The Nomads are sitting there in the house, and as Greg the Peg stands up Clay punches him in the face and we find out that it has been Clay all along with these attacks.

What did you think of this week? This was a bit darker than last week’s episode, but it seems to be getting most of the guys in SAMCRO on the right path.

You can follow my TV stories on Twitter as @Lyssa_TTC!!!

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3 Responses to Sons of Anarchy – Recap & Review – Small World

  1. meimjustme says:

    I’m kicking myself for not figuring it out that Clay was behind the home invasions. Makes total sense now.

    • Lyssa says:

      I am kicking my self for not saying anything sooner. There were a lot of different hints that I kept seeing.

      One: He hit two of the smaller houses first, a crow eater, then a mechanic at TM. Most likely he did not know that Gemma was not at the house, so the intent there was to stomp on the new presidents mother…

      Two: He kept pushing that the attacks were black (Kinda like the Opie/Donna situation in season 1. Tig said “And we blame the angry black man” Clay then said “Its the american way.”) Also there was the issue last season where he decided to blame Laroy’s crew again. I think that is his easy way out scenario.

      Three: He insisted upon getting the safe back… Then we see the Nomads with it, making sure that they held onto the marriage license and they also made sure that they got the birth certificates. That was 100% deliberate and that was when I was almost positive.

      Four: Last week, he once again made it obvious of his intentions, making sure that he was as far away from the damage as he sent the guys to hurt Rita… Clay made sure that he was in the police station while all of that was going down, but made sure that Sheriff Roosevelt was still there.

      Lots and lots of indicators… There was also the issue with what Damon Pope said this week, that is when I knew for sure. When he told Jax to look inside his own circle, that is when it made complete sense, even before seeing it on screen.

      Can’t really kick yourself though… With Kurt Sutter, sometimes it is better to take things as what they are on screen, because like we found out with Tig and Missy, things are never what they seem.

  2. Lyssa says:

    Just in case your DVR cut off the ending like mine did, here are scenes from next week.

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