Army Wives – Recap & Review – Handicap

photo: lifetime

Army Wives

Original Air Date: Aug 19, 2012

Will – Associate Staff Writer

 Sorry everyone that I’m running a little late on this recap. School started back this week and it has been crazy! Anyway, we leave off the last episode in an emotional state and we begin this one with just as much emotion. As soon as the show starts, we learn that Kevin is paralyzed and there is no answer whether or not this is a permanent condition.

As you might imagine, Jackie is absolutely devastated with this development but she does what she can to help Kevin. She makes the house more convenient for him to get around in his wheelchair.

We also see the return of Marcus Williams this week. I thought we would see him come back a changed man but I was very wrong. Marcus lost his job in Chicago and turned to living on the streets and he got addicted to drugs.

Another shocking development that wasn’t discussed too much this week that Trevor has been reassigned to lead a team in Tacoma. They only have 30 days to pack up their things and say goodbye to their friends. Surprisingly, Roxy is okay with this but the kids are not.

Anyway, Marcus comes back to town and begs for Rowland to help him get into a rehab clinic. After all the trouble Marcus has caused this family, I am surprised that Rowland decided to help him. He calls around to some clinics and finds a state-run clinic in Vermont that will open up in a couple of weeks. He decides to let Marcus stay and live in his office until the spot opens up and Joan doesn’t know about any of this.

As I said previously, Finn, one of Roxy’s older kids is does not take the news well when he learns that he will have to move to another state and leave his school and friends behind. Finn is a gifted student so he is very sad that he is going to miss the school science fair when that he was looking forward to. Roxy decides to cheer him up by making some phone call and getting him into a school for gifted students in Tacoma and this makes Finn happier.

It was inevitable and we all know it. Joan finds about Marcus living in Rowland’s office and I am pretty sure you all know what her reaction to this was. I say that her reaction was completely normal and mine would have been the same.

Now, it seems like Denise is always getting into trouble every week and this week is no different. We get to see Denise working at Mercer Hospital as Nurse Practitioner. I am glad for Denise that she went back to school and furthered her education. Anyway, she is called to assist in the field to transport a soldier who was injured in a training exercise and ended up with a pole going through his shoulder. Her and a doctor go and pick the soldier up by helicopter and on the way back to the hospital, the helicopter looses power and the they make a crash landing.

After we learn that everyone survived the crash except the pilot, Denise has to perform an emergency operation in the field on the doctor because he has some internal damage. Denise uses the skills she has learned from her husband, Frank, to wave down a helicopter who is out looking for the plane that Denise was in.

Now, we turn to how Kevin is dealing with the loss of the use of his legs. As you might imagine, he is not doing well physically or mentally. A few weeks go by and he has not regained function in his legs yet. This is wearing him down mentally and he begins to worry how much longer before he is forced into retirement by the Army.

So, what did you think!? Do you think Kevin will regain use of his legs again? Leave me a comment, email me, or tweet me @TTCWill. Give me your two cents.

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