Survivor: One World – Recap & Review – It’s Gonna Be Chaos

photo: cbs

Survivor: One World
It’s Gonna Be Chaos

Original Air Date: May 2, 2012

Ryan O – Associate Staff Writer

With Troy gone, it’s time to start eliminating allies, which is always a fun part of the game as a viewer. It’s obviously a tricky part of the game to navigate as a player. Do you try to get along or will that make people think you’ll be able to get jury votes.

One person doesn’t do herself any favors when she wins the reward challenge and doesn’t take the “right” people with her on the reward. Will it cost her? Or will the tribe choose to eliminate someone who is smart and a persuasive speaker instead?

Here’s who left after Troy was sent home:

Alicia, 25, Special Ed Teacher, Chicago, IL
Chelsea, 26, Medical Sales, Charleston, SC
Christina, 29, Career Consultant, West Hollywood, CA
Greg, 64, Plastic Surgeon, Houston, TX
Kat, 22, Timeshare Rep, Orlando, FL
Kim, 29, Bridal Shop Owner, San Antonio, TX
Sabrina, 33, High School Teacher, Brooklyn, NY


All you need to know about things that happen before the credits is this quote from Alicia: “I’m at the top controlling everything. I’m the most powerful player in this game.” Yes, that’s right. Alicia.


It’s the tree mail that’s a mobile phone with videos from the loved ones — who are actually on the island. The highlights from the videos and the Survivors talking about them include that Christina’s dad had a kidney transplant last year, Sabrina’s brother is a hunk, Kim’s sister looks just like her, Alicia’s sister looks like a nicer version of Alicia.

Reward Challenge!

Survivors and their loved ones are clipped to a rope that’s wrapped and looped along a pole. You have to race to the end of it.

It’s really, really close at the end between Kim and her sister and Kat and her cousin but Kat and her cousin pull it out.

The thing about Kat is that she’s young and exuberant but also a little bit self-involved. She’s super-excited that she won and she seems to genuinely expect other people to be excited for her that she won. Not so much.

Jeff asks her to pick someone to go with her on the picnic reward. She picks Kim. Pick another. She picks Alicia. Everyone’s a little disappointed that she didn’t pick Greg and Christina since Greg’s old and Christina’s dad might only have 5 to 10 years to live since he had a kidney transplant. Kat explains to everyone that she really just wants to hang out with Kim and Alicia and she expects people to understand that.

Now. I think it’s a pile of crap to say that someone has a greater right to be picked or deserves it more. Yes, Greg is old but he chose to play Survivor. Christina’s dad might only have 5 or 10 years left but she chose to take time away to play Survivor. I don’t fault Greg or Christina in the least for their choices but the fact that they made those choices in the first place puts them on the same level as everyone else in that they’re saying, “Instead of spending the limited time I have with my loved one, I’m going to go play a game.”

However. All that aside, Kat played that really incorrectly. There had been talk before the challenge about how Christina and Greg deserved to be taken by whoever won. Kat probably should’ve taken at least one of them.

Also, Kat acts like a total loonybird with her cousin.

Post-Reward Challenge

At the picnic, with the six of them eating, Kat and Alicia both put out the idea that the final three should Kat, Kim, and Alicia and Kim agrees. They agree that Sabrina should go next since she’s very persuasive.

Kim talks about it with just her sister and says no one likes Alicia but she doesn’t it and Kat is the person who would star on a show about how the million dollars ruined her life and a year later had nothing to show for it. Kim is telling them both that they can beat her. Kim talks about not wanting to vote for Sabrina but how it would be dumb to take Sabrina to the end if there’s a chance she could lose to her.

Back at camp, Sabrina is angry about Kat’s choice to take Kim and Alicia. Everyone else is, too. Talk quickly moves to voting for Kat. Greg points out that Kat isn’t a thinker and that people who are thinkers will leave Kat in the game because she’s beatable. The others point out that Kat does have a really good social game (except, you know, for that particular day when she angered five people).

After returning from the reward, Kim and Chelsea talk about who to vote for next, Sabrina or Kat.

Kim solo-views that she’d been thinking earlier “Oh, maybe it’s not smart to perform well in the challenges” but has since changed her mind and is going to try to win all of the immunities she can.

Immunity Challenge! Immunity! Back up for grabs!

The challenge is to stand on a log and lean forward while you hold a trapeze behind your back. The rope holding the trapeze will be let out regularly during the challenge meaning you will be leaning farther and farther forward. Last person standing wins.

Sabrina is out first. Greg follows soon after that. After 20 minutes, Alicia is out. Chelsea is out next. Christina jumps off next, leaving just Kat and Kim.

After an hour, they’re both still there. Kat starts whining about how she wants to win this one and that Kim wins all of them. See what I mean about young and self-involved? But, after a while, Kat is done and falls off. Kat is disappointed.


Kat solo-views that it’s embarrassing to lose to someone who is 6 years older than she is. Kat is 22. Kim is 29. Anyway, no, there’s no shame in that. Athletes are usually at their physical peak from 26 to 29 or so, depending on the sport.

Kat and Alicia talk about getting rid of Sabrina. They congratulate themselves on blindsiding her and controlling the game.

Alicia solo-views that Sabrina was the first out in the challenge, so she’s easy to beat while Kat is not someone she wants to face in future challenges.

Alicia talks to Kim, hoping that Kim will be ready to vote for Kat. Kim is not on board with that.

Kim solo-views that she does think Kat can get some jury votes because she hasn’t angered people. Kim still sees Sabrina as the bigger threat though.

Kim talks with Chelsea about who to vote for. Chelsea solo-views that Sabrina has been a really loyal ally since Day 1.

Kim solo-views that it’s a game and the game is going to go hell from that point.

Tribal Council

Kat talks about how the choice to pick people was tough and it hurt her feelings. Yes, hurt HER feelings. She says she doesn’t want “to see their faces be mad.” Yup. Did I mention young and self-involved?

Kat says she picked the two people based on who she would have a great time with instead of picking strategically.

Greg explains that he understands where Kat is coming from and where she is in her life and her not picking him neither surprised him nor bothered him.

There’s some talk about whether being well-spoken and honest is an asset or a liability at this point.

Oh, and someone says, “Blindsides are always fun and exciting. You’re like GASP! I always get excited if something like that goes down. And if it does, cool beans. If it doesn’t, touche, whatever.” Guess who said that?


Sabrina, Kat, Kat, Kat, Kat, and Kat is going home. She is staring daggers into Kim. DAGGERS. On the jury, Leif and Troy literally have their mouths hanging open.

Bubbling Under

You’re remember that Kim said her final three was Alicia and Kat. Who is Kim going to put into Kat’s spot? Also, at what point will Kim jettison Chelsea? That one is going to leave to a mark. They’ve been really close allies since the beginning.

I wonder when people will get around to getting rid of Greg and Christina. Hmm.

What do you expect to happen in the coming weeks? Let’s hear your Two Cents!

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2 Responses to Survivor: One World – Recap & Review – It’s Gonna Be Chaos

  1. Scheddar says:

    Yes she’s young but as Chelsea pointed out, 22 is not that young. I don’t think it’s do much about being young as it is about literally not being very bright. She behaves like a 4 year old does, same social or lack thereof, skills that a 4 year old exhibits.

    They being said, when she got voted out, my sense of schadenfreude went thru the roof, it was having emotional umami, so strong and satisfying was the feeling.

    Kim voting out Chelsea will be interesting. Loyalty and “deserving to be in the game” seem to be the guiding factors in Chelsea’s approach to the game. Kim’s going to need to be careful how she walks that tightrope.

    And Kim’s stache is coming in nicely.

    • ryanoneil says:

      Kat is definitely not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

      When she was blind-sided immediately after saying that blind-sides are fun and exciting, it was a very enjoyable moment.

      I think Kim’s best play might be to make everyone else want Chelsea out so that Chelsea can’t blame only Kim.

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