Desperate Housewives – Recap & Review – Lost My Power

photo: abc

Desperate Housewives
Lost My Power

Original Air Date: Apr 29, 2012

Annette – Staff Writer

Mary Alice talks to us tonight about power and as the episode title suggests, losing that power. All the women (and a man) of Wisteria Lane have to come to grips with losing control over parts of their lives.

The problem is, I don’t care much about the problems in their lives anymore. Gaby and Carlos continue the same fight over his new job and her selfishness. Lynette continues to make bad decisions and wonder why she can’t get Tom back. And Bree’s trial moves forward at a snail’s pace.

Gaby has a new client – a rich old widow (Doris Roberts) who’s ready to spend the money her husband was so stingy with. She invites her home for dinner to keep buttering her up. During dinner Carlos starts telling Doris about his counseling work. She arrives at the store the next day ready to return everything she bought because she’s going to be donating her money to Carlos’s center.

*side rant* Carlos is working for a non-profit counseling addicts. How exactly does one get a counseling job without any sort of education in counseling? Can every Joe Schmo off the street get to say “Hey, I can help others get over their addictions because I used to be an addict?” *rant over*

To get back at Carlos for stealing her client, Gaby redecorates Carlos’s shabby office with all kinds of fancy furnishings to make Doris thinking her money isn’t going to the addicts. Doris is furious and leaves. Carlos can’t make Gaby understand that he only wanted the money for the center, Gaby is convinced he just wanted to win because he’s a shark and he always will be. Carlos is not too happy with that assessment of his character.

Lynette was trying to take the high road with Tom, but after seeing him kiss Jane in his office, she takes his boss’s offer of a date. The guy is pretty pushy – even making Tom work the weekend so he can’t spend time with Jane and so Lynette doesn’t have to have the kids and they can go out again. Lynette finds out from Penny that Jane is super mad that Tom has to work and that they don’t spend enough time together. Lynette convinces Tom’s boss to make Tom work a lot of extra hours to keep Jane angry. Things go a little too far when the boss decides to send Tom to Mumbai for a year.

Susan finds a flyer for a Soap Box Derby at MJ’s school. Only, it’s a father/son thing and MJ decides he’s not interested, but Susan insists that the two of them can build it together and keeps pushing MJ. She stays up all night to finish the car, but when MJ sees it, he pushes it down the drive way into the path of a garbage truck. He doesn’t want to be the weirdo kid who is at a father/son derby without a dad.

Susan realizes that she needs help. She enlists the neighborhood guys (Tom, Ben, Bob and Lee) to help MJ build a car and be the guys he can talk to when he’s missing his dad. MJ is happy and much more interested in the derby now. Love, love, love seeing Bob and Lee!

Renee finds out Ben has been subpoenaed for Bree’s trial and starts badgering him for the truth. He doesn’t want her to get involved, so he won’t tell her the truth. She accepts this and says that as soon as they are officially married he has to tell her everything and since they’ll be married, she won’t be able to testify against him.

Bree’s pre-trial hearing has begun and the prosecution is dragging out all the men that Bree slept with while she was trolling bars. The theory is that she doesn’t remember all the men she slept with, so there’s a chance she slept with Ramon Sanchez/Alejandro and doesn’t remember. Bree is mortified and doesn’t want to tell her lawyer about any of her transgressions. It’s only after he tells her some humiliating things about himself that she opens up.

As she confides in the other housewives about what’s been going on with the pre-trial and with the lawyer, they all realize she has a crush on him. They tell Bree she can’t act on it, but when Trip (the lawyer) wants to discuss her case over dinner, she doesn’t decline.

There are only two episodes left and I have to say I’m glad. All the storylines feel very stalled and not particularly interesting. I feel like a lot is going to be thrown at us in the next two episodes as they wrap up the trial and hopefully get to the truth of Alejandro’s murder. But I can honestly say, I’m not really all that interested. I guess I just found tonight’s episode to be a little bit boring. Anyone else feel the same way, or do you like how these last few episodes are being handled? Leave me your two cents!

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