TheTwoCents Office Conference Room: Christmas Wishes

Welcome to another meeting in TheTwoCents Office Conference Room. Remember, we’re mixing it up! The Conference Room is now open to the general public, turning it into a forum where we can all share our TwoCents about The Office!

Would you like to be involved? It’s simple: Send your email address to to get your name on our Conference Room mailing list. Every New-Episode-Thursday, you will get an email form to fill out. Send it back with your thoughts within 48 hours and BANG! you’re a contributor.

And don’t forget that you, gentle reader, can share more than just your TwoCents over on our Recaps & Reviews of episodes of The Office! In fact, we encourage it! Now… on to the Conference Room!

[Last Updated: 12/11/11 at 06:49 PM]

Name: Rachel, Senior Managing Editor
Favorite Moment: The swift justice of Kelly. Andy’s girlfriend never had a chance.
Favorite Quote: “Shut your drunk hole Meredith.” -Andy
Episode Grade: B+
Bonus Link: Rachel on Twitter

Name: Kevin Crossman, cohost
Website: That’s What She Said Podcast
Favorite Moment: Stanley’s wish.
Favorite Quote: Basically everything that Stanley said during the cold open.
Episode Grade: A [Really like the continuity with previous episodes. The Darryl/Val stuff was great as was the Jim/Dwight material. Love the dark mood of the montage during the Trans-Siberian Orchestra sequence. Kudos to director Ed Helms!]

Name: Robert
Website: Life In The Office
Favorite Moment: When Darryl changed into his tuxedo for Val. Also, the sweet Christmas montage, soundtracked by the heavy-metal holiday music.
Favorite Quote: Robert California’s bizarre “Black Eyed Peas” rant.
Episode Grade: B [The bar has been set quite high by previous Office Christmas episodes.]
Bonus Link: Scrantonicity, featuring this week’s find: Meredith’s license plate.

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