Breaking Bad – Recap & Review – Crawl Space

photo: amc

Breaking Bad
Crawl Space

Original Air Date: Sep 25, 2011

MjL – TwoCents Reviewer

Let me begin by saying that last week’s episode was my favorite since Heisenberg dropped his homemade concussion bomb on Tuco in season 1. I loved the comeuppance that Gus dished out against the cartel that destroyed his previous future plans.

With that said, it became a boy scout motto episode this week, where if one is prepared, that person will be fine in any situation. However, leave anything to chance and the person finds out that chance has no sympathy for the downtrodden.

Gus must have studied the finer methods of the boy scouts. It is very evident as we witness Jesse drive up to a secret, specially arranged emergency room. Gus had them set-up as a contingency in case he couldn’t purge the poison he ingested.

Walt, on the other hand, is unable to control his own actions. He is looking more panicked and less aware of things including accurate weighing of product. He’s in the dark and that frightens him more than anything. Well that and his brother-in-law’s determination and great instincts.

Hank’s instincts have the two men staking out a chicken farm that Hank correctly believed was a distribution center for the blue meth that has spread through the Southwest. Unknowingly, his instincts are off only because Walt tipped off Gus and friends before, and now the two men are just left with each other’s conversation. Walt begins to worry when he hears that a big stir-up happened down in Mexico with a cartel.

Luckily, the only casualties of the stir-up happened to be those Gus intended to suffer. Gus and Mike are expected to recover from the incident. Jesse here realizes how well-calculated Gus is after he discovers Gus knows more about Jesse than Jesse does himself. When Gus tries to make Jesse the sole chemist in the lab, Jesse insists that Walt be spared. Gus warns of the complication of Jesse’ stipulation yet still accepts the counter-proposal.

They finally get back to the states and head over to rub the deeds into the face of the man who destroyed Gus’ previous plans. Karma doesn’t like that kind of bravado Gus, so beware guy. Eh, what does he need to worry about, when he’s got every move planned for the next six months, right?

As Walt and Hank head out for another day of staking out (with Tyrus watching the activities), Hank pulls a fast one revealing he wants to check out another place he thinks is suspicious, an industrial laundromat that looks like a good place to hide a meth lab.

Where does he get these hunches? Well, it’s not good for either of them with Tyrus tailing them, so a desperate Walt gets into an accident to avoid injury that could be caused on purpose. The action is a temporary reprieve from Hank’s hunt until the new vehicle he ordered arrives.

This week Skyler is finding her latest best laid plans aren’t making progress, when her former employer/lover, Ted, calls to refuse the money she gave snuck him. No matter what angle she tries to explain to him, he sees no need to accept the money and follow her instructions. She is forced to call in someone who handles tough situations. Yep, exactly: Saul.

Saul’s plan involves a simple strong-arm tactic (yay Bill Burr!) that goes terribly awry when Ted trips and smashes his head in an escape attempt. Oh, don’t worry, the trip was hinted to earlier in the episode and he finished the needed steps for the IRS. You mean Ted’s fate? My personal opinion is eight to one he doesn’t make it. But then I also predicted that Heisenberg was returning in my earlier recaps.

Walt’s actions of late don’t reek of Heisenberg; they just reek of dirty laundry. He’s hiding to go to the lab. What the heck Walt! Walt’s fears get worsened by the realization that Jesse is making product when Walt’s not around. Walt tries to get answers on Jesse’s alliance, but Jesse pushes him away just before Tyrus tases and kidnaps him.

Walt awakens in the desert on his knees at the mercy of an angered Gus. Gus fires Walt, then explains Hank will be dealt with by one of his crew. Walt tries to act tough but Gus doesn’t even flinch. This freaks out Walt.

He arranges with Saul an emergency escape for his family then heads home to get funding for the trip. This is where things go from bad to worse with Walt’s mental stability. The money he thought was laying in the crawl space is missing. When Skyler arrives, she explains she gave the money to Ted and this snaps Walt in half. As he works through his breakdown, Marie calls panicking over the latest anonymous tip (phase two of Walt’s escape plan executed perfectly by Saul) that Hank is being targeted again by the cartel.


I am growing more distraught with each episode of Walt’s downward spiral. I understand exploring the status exchange of Jesse and Walt, but I lack interest in the pitiful Walt episodes this season. Here’s hoping the last two episodes return Walt to infamous glory. One note: I am a probably a horrible person as I chuckled when Ted tripped and possibly killed himself. Oh well, that was my favorite moment though.

SO, am I wrong to root for Walt? Is this downward spiral getting on your nerves too? Are you as horrible as I? Let me know below.

Next Week: End Times

photo: amc

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5 Responses to Breaking Bad – Recap & Review – Crawl Space

  1. Heisenberg will rise like the Phoenix from the ashes. Count on it.

  2. it’s walt himself who has been getting on my nerves lately. the downward spiral he now finds himself in is of his own making. He has always been in way over his head, dealing with people he doesn’t fully understand, and it seems that only now is that truly becoming apparent to him. I am experiencing a grim enjoyment at seeing walter laid so low.

    • MjL says:

      Yeah, he has made his bed but I still thought the character was smarter than this season has made him out to be. Plus, do you want one more season of Walt cowering and scrambling, or would you rather see him don the hat and go out in a blaze of glory?

  3. selma says:

    Great episode

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