In Plain Sight – Recap & Review – Provo-cation

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In Plain Sight

Original Air Date: Jul 24, 2011

Jules – Sr. Reviewer

This week Mary and Marshall are back working together in an episode with a more serious tone than we are used to with the show. A soldier is adjusting to being home post war, in addition to dealing with being in WITSEC.

To lighten it up a bit, as the show does well, there are some new developments for Marshall and Abigail.

Six months ago in Afghanistan, U.S. Army Sergeants John Shears and Mike Loverro witness one of their superiors selling arms to an enemy. Before the two can really figure out what to do next, gunfire breaks out and while they try to leave the scene, Mike is shot in the head and John is seen rescuing him.

Now to WITSEC for John, while Mike is in a coma. Seems like a straight case for Mary and Marshall, but of course not. Enter Major Lucas Provo, JAG attorney for John. The Army is going to be running point on this, with input from WITSEC. Not how Mary and Marshall like it, but they have no say in it. John’s wife, Sue, will also be entering WITSEC and is having a tough time adjusting outside of the military lifestyle.

Major Provo proves to be a bit difficult, first in the house selection, by saying the first isn’t safe enough because of too many visible windows. Sue hears this and freaks out again. Mary gives the schpeel about how no witness has ever been harmed when following the rules of the program and it seems to calm her down…for now.

In other world, Abigail and Marshall are seen together and they have adopted Oscar! Sad Mary has given up her spirit guide, but Mary doesn’t like dogs, so this was expected. They are interrupted by a call from Sue, who is freaking out from an angry John. When Abigail and Marshall arrive at the house, we see John pounding down the bathroom door, saying “they” are going to kill her. The seen was well acted, but I’m glad he wasn’t able to break down that door.

John is suffering from post traumatic stress, but he’s in denial about it and rejects any help in talking to someone about it. Enter Dr. Finkle. Since WITSEC can’t bring a own military PTSD expert who isn’t already in their system, we get Dr. Finkle to observe John, while Provo and Marshall prepare John for his hearing. They get John to talk about what happened and we get flashbacks to his memories, which have changed a bit. John goes from angry saying he killed Mike by giving he wrong signal to breaking down and being in complete remorse about it. He says it should have been him who was shot and before completely losing it, Provo is there to support him, who has gone through the same thing.

Marshall, Abigail and Oscar are at a ghost walk. Halfway through, Oscar runs away, straight to Brandi to Peter, also a ghost walk nerd. Brandi invites Abigail to the wedding; Marshall was already invited. Then, in a move I didn’t see coming, Marshall tells Abigail they should move in together, with the dog. It was out of the blue and it seems fast for them, no?

Marshall goes to check in with Sue and John, but Sue says John said he’d be with Marshall and Mary. And a gun is missing from their house that John said the Marshal Service gave him, which, of course, they didn’t. They are soon to Colorado Springs, where John ran away too, to a funeral for Mike, who died three days ago.

Marshall, Mary and Major Provo head north to find John. There they find him watching the military funeral. He gets a bit shaken up by the gun salute and Marshall and Provo go to stop him, while Mary waits, patiently for once when Marshall says she can’t go.

They find John, who says he wants to apologize to Mike’s wife, but he takes out the gun and points it to his head. My heart went real heavy in this season seeing John still in such deep remorse, but Provo is there talking him out of doing something bad. Provo seemed like a tough guy, but he gets John, so it’s great that they have each other. John lets go of the gun and he’s taken away by Provo.

Later, we see John finally able to move on when he is seen heading into Dr. Finkel’s office, no doubt with support and encouragement from Sue after Mary gives her a pamphlet about PTSD.

Marshall tells Mary that he and Abigail are moving in together. She seems to scoff at the news, but doesn’t let on and just mentions how both are very similar in being “neat and girlie.” It was a cute scene between the two.

And let’s not forget all the Mary and Provo scenes. There seemed to be something there throughout the episode and in the end, Provo asks Mary out for dinner. He says it’s just dinner and Mary agrees. Is it wrong that I think I like them together?

I really enjoyed the show tackling such a series issues this week and I liked how realistic the storyline was and seeing Mary and Marshall work pretty well with another branch of government, as they are always so immune to collaborating with others.

What did you think about this more serious episode? What do you think of Mary and Provo? And what about Marshall and Abigail getting more serious by the minute? And can you believe there are only two episodes left this season? Share your TwoCents below!

Next Week: A Womb With a View

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3 Responses to In Plain Sight – Recap & Review – Provo-cation

  1. Suz says:

    Loved the episode….Keep Major Lucas…..the implications are wonderrful

  2. Myob Natcherbizness says:

    Watching the series for the first time over a decade later and think the writers either wanted to bring Provo back and it never worked out or they’re a lot dumber than I thought they were.

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