Community – Recap & Review – Early 21st Century Romanticism

photo: nbc

Early 21st Century Romanticism

Original Air Date: Feb 10, 2011

Shannon – Associate Editor

Hey, Human Beings!  Meg’s having a crazy week so I’m covering for her tonight.  I’m super excited because Community is one of my all time favorite shows.  If I have one complaint about the show it’s that they don’t have Joel McHale in his undies nearly often enough, but I digress.  Let’s get to the action this week, shall we?

Troy and Abed lust over Greendale’s new librarian.  What kind of librarian wears a bustier to work at a community college?  Trying hard much?

Britta’s friend Paige is a lesbian and Britta feels superior for being open-minded enough to hang out with someone who is gay.  Pierce has a prepared statement about Britta being friends with a lesbian but it cuts to the opening credits.  Dang.  I wanted to hear that one.  Well, we get the end line which is “good night and bon appetite.”  Nice.

Annie wants to stage an intervention for Pierce who is popping painkillers like candy.  Jeff doesn’t want to bother because Pierce is a) recovering from two broken legs, b) a baby boomer, and c) likes The Bare Naked Ladies.  Everyone gets indignant over c.  Jeff declares it an official fight.

Duncan wants to come over to Jeff’s place to watch soccer but Jeff promised the study group he’d go to the Valentine’s Day dance.  Duncan and Jeff watch footy when Chang shows up and Changs up the place breaking a lamp in the process.  To make up for it, Chang offers to order a pizza.  Also, in England, pizza is called Italian Fannies.   Chang calls a buddy and declares it a party at Winger’s.  A bunch of nerds show up.  One of them is named “Magnatude”.  Anyway, Chang is doing his laundry in Jeff’s dishwasher because he’s homeless because his wife kicked him out after she found out he was with Shirley.

Troy and Abed ask the librarian, Mariah, to choose one of them to go to the dance with.  She agrees to go with both of them and decide there which one she’d like to see again.  Also, Troy is carrying around a briefcase full of tacos.  God, I love this show.  Mariah chooses Troy but he ditches her when she calls Abed weird.

Annie talks to Paige’s friend who is not a lesbian.  Paige isn’t a lesbian either, she just likes hanging out with Britta because she thinks Britta’s one.  Ironic, since that’s the reason Britta’s hanging out with Paige. At the Valentine’s Dance, Paige and Britta grind on each other a bit for shock value.  Paige and Britta end up making out on the dance floor before they figure out they’re both straight and get angry with each other for faking.

Jeff feels lonely when the study group didn’t call him.  He lets Duncan and Chang sleep on his couch.  Then he sends everyone a text telling them that he loves them all.  Aww.

This wasn’t the best episode of this show, but it was pretty solid.  There were some great lines (any of the ones about The Bare Naked Ladies were winners) and some pretty typical moments.  We could have had a bit more Shirley this week, I think.  Leave me a conversation heart and let me know what you thought!  On second thought, convo hearts taste like chalk.  Better leave your comments on some dark chocolate instead.

About Shannon

Shannon is a wife and mother of 3 kids. She adores all things Disney and loves a good tall Dole Whip.
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2 Responses to Community – Recap & Review – Early 21st Century Romanticism

  1. Theresa says:

    The Barenaked Ladies fight was pretty darn awesome. But the best part of this had to be Troy and Abed. Approaching the girl together and then keeping their briefcase of tacos from her is … so Troy and Abed! I “aww”ed when Troy left the chick for Abed 🙂

  2. Jeff l says:

    Barenaked Ladies FTW!

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