AJ Cook returns to Criminal Minds! Sort of.

AJ Cook

Criminal Minds fans got some exciting news this week! Along with some not so exciting news. I know all of us want to bring JJ back to the show, and guess what? That’s happening! Although maybe not in the way we would like. When I read the headlines, I was about to jump for joy that AJ Cook was returning to the show, until I read that it was only for one episode.

Still, it’s better than nothing. One more episode is better than zero, right? Except that it’s also apparently going to be Prentiss’ farewell episode. Even that Matthew Gray Gubler is directing doesn’t make that news any easier to swallow.

Paget Brewster was offered her full contract back this season after initially only having a limited number of episodes before being written out. Brewster opted to keep the limited contract because it had a “pilot out”, which left her open to doing the pilot of another show while still working on Criminal Minds. Does this upcoming episode mean the end for her? Is the option still open for her to return later? I guess this will all depend on how the episode goes.

I should be thrilled to see JJ come back, even once. Instead, I’m left with mixed feelings. And a lot of worry about this upcoming episode. What about you guys? Give me your two cents!

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15 Responses to AJ Cook returns to Criminal Minds! Sort of.

  1. Denise Turner says:

    I for one would be delighted to see AJ Cook return to Criminal Minds permanently! One episode? It’s a “tease”! Also, I can’t for the life of me see why they let AJ Cook go and brought on the role of Seaver… WHY? Is it because she somewhat resembles AJ? She certainly doesn’t add to the cast and when she appears with cast members there doesn’t seem to be any connection with the others. My thoughts for the record – BRING BACK, AJ COOK!!! We all love her character JJ and would like to see more of her relationship with her hubby and little boy. Keep Prentiss, too!!! Why mess with a great line-up?

    • Larissa Wood says:

      As would I!
      We need LESS seaver not more!
      and as for your thoughts.. i couldn’t have put it better myself.

    • jd says:

      Yep. CBS has decided to fix stuff that wasn’t broke.

      I honestly like Seaver, but right now she doesn’t add anything, you’re right.

  2. Heather says:

    I’m really REALLY nervous on this one. I mean, i LOVE, repeat LOVE that AJ is coming back. However, it totally should be forever, not just one episode. Plus, I have a sneaking suspicion that this time we are going to have a character death, in the form of Emily Prentiss. I don’t know how much longer CM can go with having near death experiences or characters going nutso to leave the show. Plus they kinda set that up with that whole Russian killer thing starting.
    So, very happy that AJ is back, even if only for one episode, but very sad that it has to be Prentiss’ last episode.

    • Larissa Wood says:

      Im overjoyed that she is coming back for an episode, and yes i think they are killing prentiss, she has confirmed this as her last season on twitter 😥

    • jd says:

      True about the having near death/crazy stuff. They might as well kill someone. I hope you’re wrong and it’s not Prentiss, but who knows. If it is, I would honestly rather her die in the line of duty, though. It’s more realistic (and more badass).

  3. Sophie says:

    Damn, damn, damn! For once, NZ is only a few months behind USA, so I can’t even smugly say that WE still have a full season with Prentiss to go. She’s definitely my favorite character-why did the producers even think about writing her off?! If they hadn’t, she wouldn’t have even had to consider leaving. Hope they’re kicking themselves as hard as I want to kick them…

    Also, um, am I the only one who’s noticed her resemblance to Katy Perry?

  4. Angelique says:

    I am happy that JJ is coming back if only for one episode but I see only one reason for her to come back and that is not a good one.

    I hope that I am wrong, so wrong but I am afraid that it’s just me and my wishful thinking because I don’t want to loose Emily. Just like I didn’t want to see JJ go earlier this season.

  5. Julie says:

    Bring back JJ! The show was so much better with the whole team. The 7 members compliment each other so well. The casting was terrific!!! But without JJ, the show has really gone downhill.

  6. Donna Cosky says:

    I was thrilled to see a picture with AJ on the set, but when I noticed pics of Emily/Paget on the “crime board”, I got worried. I knew about her limited contract but was SOOO hoping that after all of the fan complaints that a new deal would be reached and Paget would stay indefinitely. It’s bad enough that AJ is gone. I can’t imagine how the show can possibly stay as good if Paget is gone also. I think they were VERY LUCKY to replace Mandy and Lola with 2 characters/actors who fit the team even better than the original. I’ll be surprised if they get that lucky again, tho. And this is my favorite show!! I don’t want it to go downhill!!

  7. Dee says:

    I have been madly in love with CM from the beginning. I survived the initial character changes, but this is just too much. What is going on with the producers? Don’t they understand that the very essence of CM is the cohesive relationships between it’s characters–and the audience’s trust of those relationships. That’s what separates CM from other procedural crime shows. Personally, I’m finding this all very frustration. Who’s to be eliminated next? Morgan, how ’bout Hotch? It’s all making me what to stop watching before another favorite character bits the dust. An another thing, what Are they doing with Garcia. The writing for her seem very inconsistent(actually all of the characters this year seem different). Is there a new writing team? What do other people think? Has our beloved Criminal Minds jumped the shark? Or is so much energy being placed on the spinoff that the original series is suffering?

    • jd says:

      Yeah, the writing has been weird. We lost some great writers last season, and it was a little shaky. Now we’re losing cast members, and the characters seem to be moving backwards! weird!

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