The Big Bang Theory – Recap & Review – The Love Car Displacement

photo: cbs

The Big Bang Theory
The Love Car Displacement

Original Air Date: Jan 20, 2011

Theresa – Staff Writer

This week, the boys and Amy have all been invited to speak at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies’ Symposium on the Impact of Current Scientific Research on Societal Interactions *inhale* I just had to see if those initials spelled anything. Sadly, they don’t.

Amy asks Penny, who she now considers her best friend, to come along. Penny agrees, as the symposium is all expenses paid at a 4-star resort with a spa. Of course, Sheldon has to control their trip to Big Sur, but this time it’s legitimate. After threatening to filibuster, he was elected Travel Supervisor.

Sheldon divides them into two cars: a lead car with himself, Leonard, Penny, and Amy, and a second car with Howard, Bernadette, and Raj. In the course of the trip, while Sheldon is being Sheldon, Penny asks why they give in to him so much and wonders how he could possibly retaliate. At which point she finds herself demoted to the second car, where Howard and Bernadette are singing Sonny and Cher duets. It’s arguable whether or not this is better than Amy trying to bond with her.

At the hotel, Howard and Bernadette run into a handsome ex of hers who is also presenting. Howard manages to insult Bernadette’s ability to get a guy that good-looking, so she decides to sleep in Penny and Amy’s room. Amy has night terrors, so Penny decides to sleep in Leonard and Sheldon’s room. Sheldon thinks they’re going to have coitus, so he decides to sleep in Raj’s room. Raj is then kicked out of his room and interrupts Penny and Sheldon, who actually were about to give in and have coitus.

In a completely ridiculous turn of events, the gang abandons all sense of professionalism to air their barely veiled and then not-at-all veiled grievances in front of an audience instead of actually holding their panel discussion. I don’t even want to talk about this scene, it was so stupid. Even more unrealistic is that Sheldon, instead of getting furious at this very serious career embarrassment, just sits there perplexed and tries to moderate. And then Penny ends up driving back with Bernadette’s ex.

Now, guys, I know this is a sitcom, and I promise you I do have a sense of humor. But was anyone else as bothered by this last scene as I was? Sure, Leonard and Sheldon have argued at presentations before, but that was career-related, and provoked by Sheldon, who has that in his character. This was so contrived and nonsensical, and the rest of the episode was similarly lacking, that I really can’t say I enjoyed it. I will say Raj was probably the standout here.

What do you all think? Give your Two Cents in the comments!

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3 Responses to The Big Bang Theory – Recap & Review – The Love Car Displacement

  1. farrah says:

    Ok, first things first. It wasn’t just any hot ex. It was RICK FOX. So I think any normal storyline went out of the window when you put Wolowitz up against him. I agree the guys would never act immature, but, maybe this was to show they are still normal people with normal insecurities and problems like anyone else?

    Bernadette was hilarious with her “even the tiniest organisms could tear you a new one!” We know Wolowitz is the most insecure of all of them, so of course he would continue with it. He held on for a bit somewhat professionally, but yah, it got out of hand.

    We still must remember that it’s television but also that these characters are evolving as time goes on. Season 1 version of these guys would NEVER have done the panel like that. But season whatever we’re on? They have experienced some stuff that have let their nerd-guards down a bit. But that’s just my opinion.

    Amy calling out to Penny “HEY BESTIE!” actually fits with her being socially awkward though. Gotta admit that one made sense. 🙂

    • Theresa says:

      Ah – it didn’t occur to me he might be “somebody” – my bad! I agree that the Bernadette and Howard exchange could’ve been funny if kept subdued and if there was a buildup to it, but as it was… well, I’ve already said my piece.

      Amy, in my opinion, was just bordering on *creepy* here though!

      • farrah says:

        No way??? Rick Fox is: Vanessa Williams’ ex, former NBA player, was on Ugly Betty, was on DWTS and is dating Eliza Dishku. To say he’s “somebody” is putting it lightly. And did ya see him?? I loved that he paired him with “Bernie” instead of Penny. LOVED IT.

        I think Amy would have been creepy if it wasn’t Amy. She just doesn’t understand things like having a “bestie” or, well, life. LOL.

        And dammit I wanted to see Leonard and Penny get it on. Their banter back and forth about it was hilarious. They finally get to it and BAM! Blockage by Sheldon.

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