Biggest Loser – Recap & Review – Season 10 Episode 4

photo: nbc

Biggest Loser
Season 10 Episode 4

Original Air Date: Oct 12, 2010

Anne – Associate Editor

With our week two curse over and done with, it’s time to move on to week three on campus. Nobody has much time to mourn Tina because they jump right into a Temptation.

The contestants walk outside to find Alison standing in front of shelves of 400 cupcakes!

Ali explains that under one cupcake is a card worth a one pound advantage. Each week the winner doesn’t use the card, it’s value increases by one pound. To check under a cupcake, they must consume it. For each cupcake they consume without the card, they will get a clue to which cupcake the card is under. Only Jesse, Elizabeth, Rick and Adam participate in the challenge. Jesse gives up after eating two cupcakes because the others were so far ahead. It came down to Rick and Adam and Adam gets to the cupcake a millisecond before Rick. Brendan and Frado tell Adam he has a Bullseye on his back now. Elizabeth cries because she’s disappointed in herself.

Ali brings in Curtis Stone to teach them how to make 100 calorie cupcakes. They use egg whites instead of whole eggs, honey instead of sugar and whole wheat flour instead of white. Then the icing is raspberry puree. They look quite yummy! Lisa has a crush on Curtis and us quite funny about it. If she had Curtis, she wouldn’t need cupcakes.

The Trilogy (Frado, Brendan and Patrick) bring Ada into their alliance to get Adam out if he’s below the yellow line. I’m surprised because Adam and Ada are both wearing blue shirts. Not that that means much this season since there are no teams. There will be two lines this week at the weigh-in. A yellow line and a red line. Whoever is under the red line is automatically eliminated. Then the yellow liners will have the elimination challenge like usual. So there will be two eliminations this week. Everyone is freaked.

Bob and Jillian shock the contestants when they don’t freak out about the Temptation. They are freakishly calm about it. At the workout, Jillian focuses on Elizabeth and Aaron. She makes a breakthrough with Liz about how she holds herself back using her asthma. There’s always mental reasons behind these things. The mental is always just as important, if not more, than the physical. Bob works with Frado to show him that he’s capable of more than he knows. Mark hurts his badly on one of the machines. He worries it will shorten his time on campus.

At the weigh in, most pull good numbers, but Jillian and Bob are frustrated that they aren’t happy enough. Jillian gets especially frustrated with Ada, who loses 10 lbs. and still isn’t satisfied! Sophia only loses 2 lbs. and is the red line victim. She said her goodbyes and leaves. Here are the other results:

Biggest Loser – Frado (20 lbs.!!) 5.93%

Yellow Liners – Jesse, Jessica, Elizabeth, Burgandy, Mark and Lisa.

I have to say, it’s weird to see Frado and Brendan in their black shirts kissing up to Bob. It’s just odd! Frequent watchers will know what I mean. Black shirts are usually loyal to Jillian.

Mark pulls Frado aside and tells him not to save him. His back is better and he wants to fight for himself. I gained a new respect for Mark with that move. Very admirable! The next morning, Bob takes the top three losers, Frado, Ada and Rick, to Subway for breakfast. It’s this episode’s “infomercial”.

Another day, another workout. Jillian is hard on Ada because of what occurred at the weigh-in. Ada confesses that she always feels like a failure because her parents have always told her that. Ever since her brother drowned and her parents blamed her. I can relate to having a family that is constantly calling you a failure. It’s part of the reason that I’m obese myself. I’m down 168 lbs., but it’s still hard. People closest to you aren’t always willing to let you change. But at least Ada knows that now. She can realize that the person she needs to succeed for is herself. That’s all that matters. She’s responsible for her own happiness.

Bob focuses on the yellow liners, especially the girls. They must realize that if they don’t step it up, the guys are going to just pick them off. He then does something he’s never done before. He invites all six yellow liners to his house for dinner! They eat a completely vegan meal. It looks really good. Very colorful. Bob points out that the more colorful food is, the better it is for you. Now, of course, you have to use common sense. Skittles are colorful, but not good for you. Best to stick to naturally colorful foods.

Before the elimination challenge, Burgandy goes to see Dr. H for a leg problem. She has tendonitis. He boots her up and takes her out of the challenge. Ali announces that she will automatically be up for elimination. Then Frado saves Jessica, since she was the best of the yellow liners at the weigh-in. The remaining four, Jesse, Elizabeth, Mark and Lisa, all have to unroll 900 lb. carpets out. The last one done will be up for vote with Burgandy.

Mark finishes first, followed by Jesse and Lisa. The three of them cheer on Elizabeth to finish. In a vote of 5-1, Burgandy gets eliminated.

Sophia is now down to 225. She is still coaching cheerleading and is trying to get her girls to eat more healthy. She also teaches Spin classes and hopes to lose a total of 100 lbs. by the finale.

Burgandy is down 51 lbs. to 180 (which is my goal weight, by the way). She tries to involve her kids in her workouts and is paying it forward by helping her neighborhood workout.

Next week, the other potential contestants will be back to try to get back into the game. Plus our weigh-in will be back at the end of the show.

What did you all think of this episode? How about that crazy Temptation? Would you have participated? Let me know below and I’ll see you back here next week. Check back in on Friday for my interviews with Sophia and Burgandy.

About Anne

I am 38 years old. I live with my two cats, KC & Rocky. I love crossword puzzles, playing games on my iPhone and on Facebook, I collect movie & TV DVDs, fairies, books and NASCAR memorabilia. I love sports. Philly teams especially!! I am addicted to TV. I love to talk about it!
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