Castle – Recap & Review – Overkill

photo: abc

Original Air Date: May 10, 2010

Karen Belgrad – Sr. Reviewer

As a commenter last week asked, “Was someone murdered in this episode?” That sentiment really holds true this week. Yes, we had a dead body, a plethora of suspects, false leads, and police interviews, but did any viewers really notice?

I’m fairly certain that most of us were solely engaged in the Castle-Beckett-Demming triangle. However, there are a few things that must be covered before we decide on the best way to get blood off a mirror while recovering stolen books…

First off, the weekly murder needs to be addressed. To review, mens beauty products mogul Damian Wilder was found dead in his bedroom. “Murdere” was written on the mirror in his blood. He was killed by a gun shot to the chest, followed by bludgeoning (not clear which was the ultimate cause of death). Turns out he was planning on announcing a product recall due to a bad chemical reaction caused by one of his products. It turned out he was killed by his cousin (investor, stood to lose money) and his head product developer (created the product).

As soon as I saw cousin Blake, I knew he was involved with the crime. He was played by William R. Moses, a semi-recognizable actor from Falcon Crest, Melrose Place, and Lifetime Movies. He was related to the victim. And the biggest giveaway was that we didn’t see him again until the final segments of the show.

The same holds for business colleague Lisa, although I thought the dark haired Daphne would turn out to be involved as well. The animal rights portion of the story was merely a smoke screen, so it doesn’t need to be delved too deeply into.

I did love Beckett translating the cry-talk. And, yes, I could make out almost every word the sobbing, blackmailing lab tech said as if she were one of my own sobbing, heartbroken girlfriends.

I adored Esposito and Ryan (aka Charlotte and Miranda) this week. How great was their equal beaming expressions with their close heated shaves? Or their joint contempt over the fear of permanent capillary damage? Their knowing glances about Castle’s jealousy, be it to each other or to Castle, are always right on the money as well.

Now… about Castle’s jealousy. Although I do like seeing a more vulnerable side, I’m surprised Castle isn’t a little more forward. He’s sitting back and sulking, looking forlorn, when I think he should be making his desire/intention known to Beckett. She’s flirting, kissing, and sharing cabs with another guy. Now is not the time for subtlety!

Of course, it’s hard to dislike Demming. He’s not doing anything wrong, he’s just a little milquetoast for my liking. He’s good looking, upstanding, and employed, but he’s just a little blah. I guess his eyebrows just aren’t as expressive as everyone else’s! Although, from the looks of it, he may be a very good kisser.

A few minor questions to wrap up with….

-Will Castle keep Detective “Schlemming” in his new book?
-What exactly are Nikki Heat and Rook doing in that airport hanger?
-How awesome is it that Castle drinks from a Castle mug?
-Would you use Alexis as spell check too!
-Does Martha really live with Chet?
-Is Castle too metrosexual for knowing he’d be the “Carrie”?
-How much should a man pay for self heating shaving cream?
-Would you use “Scarlett O’Hara” to check into a hotel room? Or would you check-in under Castle or Beckett?
-Can you canvas and make goo-goo eyes at the same time like Beckett?

Those are my TwoCents? What are your TwoCents? Leave your thoughts, comments, ideas for items to be frozen, and observations below!

Next week: A Deadly Game

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About Karen Belgrad

Number cruncher by day, Karen spends way too many hours watching television and reading/writing about what she just watched. When not glued to the television, Karen sings karaoke, checks out live music, and roots for the Chicago Blackhawks and Cubs. Pop culture trivia and the Kevin Bacon game are her useless special talents. Managing Editor for [twitter:karenb0716]
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6 Responses to Castle – Recap & Review – Overkill

  1. dmcw says:

    Nice review! I’m not surprised Castle is not more direct. I think all the stuff with Demming and Beckett really bothers him but he can’t figure out quite why yet. I think he is close, but I think he is still confused about his true feelings, in denial of them, afraid of them, or a little of all three. Until he acknowledges what he really wants with Beckett and decides how to go about accomplishing that, I think he will continue to sulk, be subdued, and have the occasional outburst (as he did with Beckett with the “boyfriend” comment). I do miss funloving Castle!

    • karenbelgrad says:

      It makes me wonder how he got with his ex-wives (two, right?). Did he pursue or was he pursued. He seems a little lost in the pursuing intelligent women area!

  2. Clo says:

    As much as I actually enjoyed sulking Castle I can’t watch too much of it. Even though the last scene last night was great. I really felt for Castle. But this show is at its best when Castle and Beckett are doing their flirty banter. That’s why I hope they move these to along as a couple soon. They are just so much fun to watch when they are happy and playing.

  3. GAJ says:

    I’m just thrilled that someone else is using the term milquetoast.

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