E!’s Favorite Couple

photo: nbc

Remember back around Valentine’s Day, TheTwoCents did a staff and reader poll about your favorite TV couples?

Well it seems we weren’t the only ones. The smart folks over at E! have been conducting their own poll over the last few weeks, pitting couples against couples in order to get down to viewers’ favorite TV couple of all time.

And their winner? Chuck and Sarah from Chuck. I haven’t watched in a while, but are they even a REAL couple?!

The battle came down to the winning couple and the runners up, Ross and Rachel from Friends. It was a close race, with Chuck/Sarah winning 59% to 41%. Ross and Rachel were on both of our lists, and #1 with the fans. Chuck and Sarah didn’t make either list.

The contest start with 16 TV couples paired off against each other, then went down to 8, then 4 then the final 2. However, it seemed the oldest show on their list was X-Files.

Our newest pick is for your Guilty Pleasure show. Make sure to vote!

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1 Response to E!’s Favorite Couple

  1. brittanyduke says:

    I’ll be honest – Chuck and Sarah is why I stopped watching the show. I can’t stand that UST and back and forth with significant others for both of them you know won’t pan out. It got tired.

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