30 Rock – Recap & Review – Future Husband

photo: nbc

30 Rock
Future Husband

Original Air Date: Mar 11, 2010

Laura Kelley, Associate Staff Writer

Fresh off her root canal anesthesia, Liz wakes up and discovers a waffle in her DVD player. Jack tells her she watched it for an hour, and then he hears a troubling rumor that Sheinhardt Wigs, NBC’s parent company, will be sold. When Liz solves the waffle crisis and makes it to the office, she realizes that there is someone in her address book called “future husband.” Kenneth thinks it’s as romantic as the first ten minutes of Fatal Attraction, and convinces her to meet the guy. Oh, Kenneth.

Tracy decides he wants to win a Tony, and puts on a one-man show that somehow gets rave reviews. Jenna is enraged, since she’s wanted a Tony for years for “living theatrically in real life.” She agrees to be his acting coach, but soon learns that it’s impossible to teach Tracy anything. Kenneth, having thrown his wallet out a window to teach Liz a lesson in optimism, Kenneth is forced to sleep in the office. He loses his prescription and starts having “donkey spells,” which are exactly what they sound like. He’s also lost his lucky rabbit spine!

Jack’s current lady Avery, a reporter, tells Jack to distance himself from Don Geiss because of the buyout. Jack refuses, because Geiss is his mentor, and he storms off. Jonathan gets Geiss’s schedule and it turns out that the buyout is real, so Jack goes to Jack Welch’s house to confront him. There, he learns that Don Geiss is actually dead, and he’s devastated. Meanwhile, Liz pretends to be a Jamaican receptionist from the dentist’s office to get to see Wesley. It turns out he’s adorable, but they have no chemistry, and they suffer through a painfully awkward date. Kenneth refuses to believe that things won’t work out, and then Wesley shows up at TGS to return Kenneth’s wallet. Liz and Wesley agree to go on another horrible date.

Avery makes up with Jack by suggesting on air that he’ll take over NBC, and all is well. I’m glad 30 Rock is finally back! That Olympics hiatus was painful. Every week I feel like we get a step closer to finding out what kind of mythical creature Kenneth is, and the suspense is killing me! What did you all think? Did you miss Frank and his amazing hats? To change things up this week for comments, here’s an impromptu contest: if you had a Frank hat, what would it say? The prize for winning is honor. Leave your two cents (and awesome hat phrases) in the comments!

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