Ugly Betty – Recap & Review – Fire And Nice

photo- abc

Ugly Betty
Fire and Nice

Original Air Date: Mar. 3, 2010

Karen – Sr. Staff Writer

Finally…Betty is back! It’s been a long wait for our final 5 episodes (quite sad), but we were finally back and it was a good one. Seems like the writing team is back to season 1 quality…thank God! This episode starts with the whole Suarez family living in Betty’s tiny apartment (if you remember- the house had a small fire and lots of smoke damage) and living arrangements are a bit tight.

As Betty leaves for work, she spots Daniel coming out of Amanda’s apartment to get the paper, she is surprised…and a little uncomfortable seeing Dan in his boxers.
We also get a bit of a 3-way look at the family thinking they are responsible for the fire.
-Justin confesses to Marc that he was smoking with a friend.
-Hilda asks Bobby if he did it or his mob family after she stated she need the insurance money.
-Ignacio tells Amanda that he did the wiring and it was his fault. (Best line is Amanda calling him Uncle Papi).

Betty is to meet with Lady Gaga about an eye glass line and tries to show her idea to Willie, but when she starts her computer a homemade ( and quite funny) video of Justin singing Lady Gaga appears.

Daniel sees Tyler ( the half bro he doesn’t know he has) and asks Amanda to find out what he is up too.

Meanwhile, Betty visits the fire station to find out when the cause of the fire will be determined so that they can get a check from the insurance co. The fireman tells her he can move her priority up, if she goes out with him. She declines, but later accepts because she can’t stand everyone in her space.

Willie runs into an old friend from the old neighborhood and tries to act like “Jenny from the block” with him, which freaks Marc out. She wants to go out with him but he clearly sees they are not the same as before. Willie gets help from Marc and calls the friend and makes arrangements to go out to a neighborhood restaurant.

Claire and Tyler spend some time together (secretly), but Amanda sees them and Claire gets a bit flustered. Tyler wants to know when they will tell Daniel.

Betty gets advice for going out with the fireman. Hilda tells her that in order to go expedite things, to “go, get some pizza…a little over the sweater…” which Betty reacts to shocked. Funny stuff. Marc tells her to follow the SAADD rule. Skip appetizers and don’t drink. Love it.

Hilda invites Bobby and his family to dinner. Ok, so why would you do this in such cramped quarters, huh? But anyways, everything that Bobby’s family says and does, make her feel that they are mob. Needless to say…things go bad.

Betty and Fire Marshall Bill (remember Jim Carey) go to dinner and run into Willie. They end up sitting at a table together and try to act like they are office friends. In doing so, Betty gets Willie to call Justin to tell him he is going to the Lady Gaga photo shoot, he freaks out on the phone. Willie convinces her to leave, but her date picks up on the uncomfortable feeling of Betty and asks to join them. This tips Willie into confessing she is still a bitch, hates moles, and doesn’t like Betty. She tells her date that she remembers great sex with this guy and if he wants any…lets go. He says…”ok”!

Betty goes home, tells Fire Marshall Bill a blunt goodbye, and runs into a lot of arguing going on with Hilda and the guests. Out blurts Hilda that she thinks they started the fire. Justin blurts out that he was smoking and he started the fire. (which he is now grounded until he is dead-lol). Ignacio tells everyone he didn’t hire a pro electrician and he thinks he caused it. In walks the fireman and he tells them it was a curling iron that caused the fire, and Betty is the one that left it on. Uh Oh!

Daniel sees Claire on the TV getting cozy with Tyler and confronts him. He tells him to leave his mother alone and then they fight. Claire tells them to stop and finally tells Daniel that Tyler is his brother. He gets angry when learns it is Hartley’s kid and leaves. Later he calls Amanda to talk, but she is busy and promises to call him back. She is in a car with Tyler and he thanks her for being a friend he could talk to. Uh Oh!

Finally, Bobby and his parents talk with Hilda and apologies are made and everything is good. Bobby then proposes to her! I smell a wedding in the finale.

Well we only have 5 episodes left! What did you think? Think it will end with the wedding? Talk of Christina and Gio and (maybe) Henry will arrive? Tell me your thoughts and predictions.

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5 Responses to Ugly Betty – Recap & Review – Fire And Nice

  1. Farrah says:

    I thought the fireman was so cute and finally suitable for Betty. I’m sorry, but sticking dorky-looking glasses on a hot guy (preview for next week) doesn’t make them Betty-like and it makes me (the audience) really mad! I will never forget knowing how hot Chris Gorham was and when they finally took off his glasses on the show everyone was like OMG HE’S SO HOT! (Which he is…) I would love to see everyone return for the finale and honestly, I’d be happy with Betty riding off to the sunset with herself or new fire guy we don’t know much about. I kinda miss Gio but he reminds me too much of Bobby and that would be creepy. LOL.

  2. karen says:

    I wish they would have had Justin talk more openly to Marc. Having him say it was a gal he liked is just puttin up a front. I hear there will be a kiss between him another aleast they will finally come to terms with his sexuality.
    I have heard some rumors of where the show might lead in the end , but don’t want to spoil it for those that would rather not know.
    ps..agree with the Gorham comment 🙂

  3. Anne (simplyanne) says:

    Great review!! It was a great episode. I am mostly looking forward to Justin coming out and Mark’s guidance. I heard they might put Betty and Daniel “together”. Gosh, I hope not!! Bring on Henry!! (or at least Gio if Chris Gorham is too busy!)

    • karen says:

      I will really hate it if they put her and Daniel together. But I also feel Justin coming to terms with his sexuality is important and I really want Marc to help him through it. I think everyone knows how I feel about Gorham…enough said 🙂

      • Farrah says:

        There are so many spoilers out there about the finale, but the ONE spoiler I have yet to find is the actual spoiler about Betty. It’s akin to the Ross/Rachel ending on the Friends finale. It’s easy to find pretty much every character’s ending except for Betty. I kinda like that. I WANT to be surprised for this one.

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