Modern Family – Recap & Review – Fears

photo: abc

Modern Family

Original Air Date: Mar 3, 2010

Faye O – Senior Reviewer

What are you afraid of? Well, the characters of Modern Family let us into their fears in a wonderfully written and acted episode. Let’s dive right in.

We’ll start with Claire and Phil. They had two separate storylines going on. First was Claire and her fear of having to continue to drive Hayley around; and Hayley’s fear of not getting her license.

She goes to take her road test again, with the same guy who yelled at her the time before. During her test, she is so nervous, that she does mess up and is told to pull off to the side of the road. After a minute of begging, her instructor allows her to start over. She passes, and runs in to the DMV to get her license, but not before she jumps out while the car is still in drive. It was brilliant, but thank goodness Clair no longer has to drive her places. Meanwhile, Phil is under the house with Luke. The cable guy was there the other day and said, “wow, what a collection you have here.” This causes the boys to wonder for a while what it could be; and they venture down there. Phil is very afraid of the squeaky noises he hears, and sends Luke’s new remote control truck with a video camera down there to see what’s happening. It flips over, and they go in after it. While down there, they decide to take a look around for themselves and see a few skeletons. I laughed so hard at this! They called the police right away, and soon after, find out that it was the previous owner’s old Halloween decorations! I loved this! This family is just so wonderful.

Next is Jay and Gloria’s storyline. Manny is afraid of rollercoaster’s and decides to not go to a party that he was invited to for that reason. Instead, Gloria and Jay take him to the pier to go fishing. However, Gloria lied and was taking him to ride the rollercoaster. She finally convinces him to be brave, and that’s when we find out that Jay is also afraid of them. After some convincing, and calling her men “girls,” Gloria finally gets the boys on the rollercoaster and all is well, at least for now!

Finally, we enter the home of Cameron and Mitchell. They have invited their pediatrician over so she can get to know them and Lilly better. When she’s there, and holding Lilly, she says her first word, “MOMMY.” The dads start freaking out! According to them, “it’s every gay dad’s worst nightmare.” After much convincing from the pediatrician, they realize that she didn’t mean it; she was just putting syllables together; that is, until she says it again. Their day is almost ruined, until the very end when they pick up her new doll from the floor and accidently press its button. The doll says “MOMMY” when provoked, and they get so excited that Lilly really does love them and doesn’t secretly wish she had a mother.

Well, that’s basically it. No review will ever do the show justice, but I try! I hope you enjoyed the episode. I want to know what you all thought so leave your TwoCents in the comments! See you all next week.

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1 Response to Modern Family – Recap & Review – Fears

  1. Farrah says:

    I loved LOVED when Cameron and Mitchell figured out it was the doll that made Lily say mommy and not anything else. But OMG, the scenes with them and the pediatrician and them thinking it’s her “asianness” that Lily is connected to…I couldn’t stop laughing.

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