Gary Unmarried – Recap & Review – Gary Keeps a Secret

photo: cbs

Gary Unmarried
Gary Keeps a Secret

Original Air Date: Nov. 25, 2009

Farrah Kaye – Associate Staff Writer

I have a confession to make: I’ve got a thing for single fathers. I love watching a man take care of his children, cutting their food, tying their shoes, wiping away their tears. It just gets to my heart. Maybe that’s why I love Gary Unmarried so much? Despite his relationship failing with Allison, Gary truly loves his children to his core. So when I read the info screen for this episode and saw “Sasha contemplates having more than a working relationship with Gary,” I went HUH?! Sasha’s fun and Gary obviously likes her, but can you really see her as Louise and Tommy’s stepmother? Yah, me neither. Do I think she and Gary bring out the best in each other? Definitely. But sometimes you can’t have it all.

We open with a typical Allison and Gary fight, as construction goes on outside. It actually provides some hilarious moments because, as in normal television scripting, construction/beeping horns gets rid of curse words and/or fighting. The kids come in and Tommy is grounded (for saying a curse word) and Louise was invited to a popular girl’s birthday party. However, she is not going because she is not going to conform to the popular crowd and succumb to peer pressure and bla bla bla, all of this according to Allison. After she leaves, Louise says she wants to go and fit in and pulls the daddy card out, saying she wants to have a secret between her and her daddy. She needs to get a new outfit for the party. Skinny jeans, really? Come on.

Back in the studio, Gary and Curtis are trying to find Louise skinny jeans on the internet. They have no idea what they are looking for. I guess Gary isn’t painting anymore? Gary points out he’s in “mommy territory” and he has no idea what he’s doing. Curtis suggests Gary ask Sasha for help. Shopping + Sasha = OF COURSE! Louise is trying on clothes and Gary is all confused while Sasha is late. This super hot model-looking sales girl (real life model Marisa Miller) comes up to Gary saying how adorable he is and he blows her off because he is waiting for Sasha. Sasha shows up right in time, picks out an outfit which Louise just tried on and didn’t like but loves it now that Sasha picked it out. By the way, anyone else notice this is the same store that was the set for the lingerie shop from a few episodes ago? Louise loves her new outfit and now she needs shoes. Hot model lady comes up to Sasha and they discuss the hotness that is Gary and Sasha admits to being all flushed and hot. After shopping, Gary is playing video games with Tommy and needs to hide Louise who is all dressed for the party because he hears Allison’s car. Allison comes over to bring Louise a school book she left. Gary warns Tommy he may need to distract Allison and Tommy may need to avert his eyes cause he made need to use his tongue. AND HE DOES! Oh my goodness, he picks up Allison and Tommy averts his eyes and sounds like he’s begging for mercy when asking if it’s over. Now, this next part I have a bit of an issue with, but it’s okay because I love the show. At the station, Gary is finishing up the show by saying: “This has been a good show. We’ve established that horse racing is the same as NASCAR but slower and with poop.” Come on guys. Whatchya got against NASCAR?! I’ll remember to tell Jimmie Johnson you’re haters when he’s in town next week accepting his fourth straight championship trophy which earned him a cool $6 million. (For those who never read my bio, I’m a massively huge NASCAR fan and will debate you until the end over why it’s more than just guys driving around in a circle or turning left for 500 laps.) Okay, off my soapbox now and onto why Curtis has to leave right at 6 on Fridays. It’s 6:05 and he’s not happy! Gary wants to get a drink and Curtis says no, he can’t, it’s “Curtis time.” When Gary asks him where he goes, he refuses to answer. Sasha tells Gary she had a good time hanging out with Louise and him and offers to do it again if he needs. They decide to get a drink when Louise calls and asks to be picked up because the girls are being mean to her. Instead of getting their drink, Sasha and Gary go to pick up Louise together. Aw. I really like how they’ve developed Sasha. I feel like she can stick around and become part of the crew (if the show stays around – so KEEP WATCHING FANS!!!).

Gary and Sasha get to the rink and Louise says everything is fine now and she doesn’t want to go home anymore. Sasha explains the inner-workings of a 12-year-old girl’s mind to Gary. As they are talking, Curtis shows up dressed up in Boogie Wonderland clothes. I have a feeling Jay and Brooke hadn’t seen the outfit before this scene because their expressions were priceless. Since the party is almost over, Gary and Sasha decide to stay and roller skate. Gary is a horrible skater and Sasha has to hold him up, which is quite funny considering Gary is twice Sasha’s size. Allison shows up at Gary’s house to give him a t-shirt and bangs her toe and curses (with the construction noise blocking it out, of course) and Tom overhears (and we get to hear about Tom surfing for porn, I’m still confused how we got there…). Allison asks where Gary is and Tom slips about the skating rink and Allison heads right out the door. She shows up while Sasha and Gary are on the rink and Gary and Allison start to argue over Louise, but Sasha is holding up Gary. Allison asks Sasha to leave. Gary makes really valid points about why Louise needs to be at the party and why they kept the secret and Allison agrees to leave without saying a word. It was actually a pretty civil argument for the two of them. More growth – YAY!

Gary apologizes to Sasha about the night turning out the way it did and Sasha tells Gary she had some time to think about things. While she enjoyed the day and watching Gary with Louise, seeing him argue with Allison made her realize his life is much more complicated than she realized. They leave it at that and go for a couple skate – with Gary walking and Sasha in skates.

This was a really long R&R for an episode of Gary Unmarried but I really enjoyed it and wanted to share every bit of it with you. Plus, I had to make sure every one knows that NASCAR rocks! Just kidding. But seriously, I truly enjoyed this episode. With each week, these characters are growing and evolving. Even with the ending, I don’t think Sasha and Gary are totally through. And Curtis, who hasn’t been a central character very long, is getting his own side stories. Maybe we’ll get to see him compete in a Boogie Wonderland Roller Skate-off soon. What do you think? Leave your Two Cents below!

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