The Good Wife – Recap & Review – Unorthodox


photo: cbs

The Good Wife

Original Air Date: Nov. 10, 2009

Patricia Morris Buckley — Staff Writer

If I learned anything from this episode it’s that if it appears obvious, then it isn’t what’s really happening. Case in point (no pun intended), Alicia is sent off to defend the daughter of one of the firm’s partners (Stern, never seen). Seems Rose is a real party girl. “Seems” is the important word, because it turns out she’s living the life of an orthodox Jew now.

A woman is suing Rose and her husband for tripping on their property. An eruv wire fell down and they didn’t fix it (the wire is a way of outlining the neighborhood). Once again, the answer seems obvious that the couple is at fault. But then we discover that it happened on the Sabbath, when they couldn’t fix it. Now the client is going after Rose’s father’s deep pockets, but it doesn’t matter because Rose and her father don’t speak anymore!

Rose and her hubbie already have a lawyer, the smooth talking Ryan Alprin, who plays fast and loose. Alicia starts to admire him and after a rough start, they work well together. So well, he hints at something more romantic, which she quashes. Poor Ryan. But things are looking up for Will.

You know how Alicia always finds that small detail that turns the case around? This time, it’s Kalinda who finds that. Turns out, with all the cameras in the area, the fall happened in the only tiny spot where a camera wouldn’t pick it up. She smells a scam and our dynamic duo prove it in court.

Meanwhile at home, Zach is still curious about the photos of his dad doing crack with a call girl that he thinks are photoshopped. A friend urges him to find the escort, which he does. Problem is that his grandmother picks up the phone while Zach is trying to get info, but Grandma Dearest only hears the escort trying to talk dirty.

Alicia confronts Zach, who plays the obvious card, saying he was curious about sex phone lines.

And at work, the budget cuts are resulting in may lost jobs. Could Alicia or Cary be next? Nah, then there wouldn’t be a series, would there?

Next week, Peter’s trial begins. Are you looking forward to that? Do you think Alicia will testify for him? Is Zach really on to something with the photo? Give us your Two Cents…

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