Private Practice – Recap & Review – Strange Bedfellows

violet in court

photo: abc

Private Practice
Strange Bedfellows

Original Air Date: Oct 29, 2009

Farrah Kaye – TwoCents Reviewer

It’s what we’ve been waiting for since the first episode of the season: Violet will confront Katie. Or will she? If she does, will it let her be a mother and a girlfriend? Oh, the thought of going into that courtroom … chilling.

Charlotte thinks Sam is blocking her from joining the practice. Man, she is one strong woman. You can tell she’s vulnerable and sad on the inside, but man, on the plain old outside don’t-dive-too-deep surface, she is a super strong chick. And uses sexuality to get a lot of things done.

With everyone she loves surrounding her in the courtroom, Violet goes to testify. She makes the mistake of looking at Katie and runs out of the courtroom.

Sam and Addison stayed back at the practice to run the business and they have run out of partner options. Addison suggests bringing in Charlotte and Sam shuts her down. When everyone returns from the trial, they ask Addison to talk to Violet since she won’t talk to anyone else.

As Naomi is leaving the office, two of her former patients are there and begin yelling at her. These were patients from last season, for those who don’t remember, whose embryos were implanted in the wrong women by Naomi. They both decided to keep the others’ baby. The women are NOT happy. Naomi insists she doesn’t work there and they see Addison. One of the women has high blood pressure (Amelia) and the other may have a problem with her baby (Zoe).

The baby Zoe is carrying, which is actually Amelia’s baby, has a tumor growing on the baby, taking its’ blood supply. The surgery may cause her to never have children again, as well as maybe losing the baby. On top of that, her husband left her after the embryo switch. Addison’s suggestion is terminating the pregnancy. If left alone, the baby will die in the womb.

Pete is not okay with Katie pleading not guilty by reason of insanity. Violet can’t bring herself to face her and Sam is talking to her about just talking things out. While they are talking, Katie’s dad comes to visit her and Sam stands guard outside to make sure she is okay. Katie’s dad apologizes for what Katie did and how she had helped Katie (well, before she went off her meds obviously). When Violet asks why he is there, he says Katie has asked to see her because she is the only one that understands. Uh oh, this is not going to be good.

Sam tells Coop about Katie’s father interrupting Violet and his talk. While they are talking, Charlotte interrupts them to fight for a position. He doesn’t feel she would fit in because they are all friends, get along together. Basically, he puts it, he doesn’t like her. Like Charlotte says, what does that have to do with anything? Something is either good or it isn’t. She winds up in the bathroom upset with Violet as Violet is crying. How do these two wind up together again? I love it.

Addison is caught up in the Amelia/Zoe situation and the only thing Sam and Addison can agree upon is to not bring Naomi in to it. Pete and Coop go to a bar and agree to not talk about Violet or Charlotte. Addison and Sam discuss Charlotte and Addison discusses the positives to hiring her. Sam gives in and agrees to hire her. Naomi comes over and lets her know Amelia came to visit her at the practice because she feels Zoe and Addison are lying to her about something. Sam and Addison didn’t want to tell Naomi anything but they wind up telling her because they were her patients. Naomi asks to get involved and try to help.

Violet goes to see Katie – DON’T DO IT VIOLET! I seriously was in shock she went, but then again, she is mentally unstable at this moment. She sits in the back of the room, nowhere near the table where Katie is. Katie says she is on her meds and asks how Violet is. Uh, what? Katie asks Violet to understand it wasn’t her that did what she did to her because she wasn’t on her meds and she isn’t a monster. She needs help, she needs someone on her side and she won’t get that in prison. Violet gives her an awesome answer that … you have to YouTube it. Kudos to Amy B for her acting in that scene. She had to dig deep down for that one. Man, great scene.

Naomi tells Zoe about Amelia coming to visit her. Naomi and Addison try to make her see it from all angles. Zoe refuses the surgery but they all agree to end the pregnancy and tell Amelia. Coop goes to Sam to fight for Charlotte’s honor (aww) and Sam tells him she is moving in to Pete’s office already. Charlotte opens up a box of sex toys. Her new specialty is sexual dysfunction. The official title is “sexologist.” Anyone else see that coming? Charlotte + Sex Toys + office = DISASTER IN THE MAKING!

Violet tells Coop about her visit with Katie. They discuss what Violet wants versus what Dr. Turner wants. Very interesting thought process. When Naomi, Addison, Zoe and Amelia are discussing their situation, Amelia’s blood pressure sky-rockets and she has an attack as she is thanking Zoe for doing everything she could.

After seeing what Amelia goes through, Zoe decides to have the surgery. Coop, Pete and Sam are out drinking together. Sam and Pete both knew about the Sexology thing and it upsets Coop. He gets plastered and stammers home to Charlotte. He pretty much calls Charlotte a stripper/hooker/any name you can think of that relates to this subject and she pushes him out of the bed. Coop is a smart guy but he just doesn’t get it. You would think he would study up on the subject, but no, he has Charlotte-is-my-girlfriend blinders on.

Addison begins the surgery on Zoe and the baby as Naomi reflects on the fact that it was her mistake that got them there. Naomi apologizes to Amelia but Amelia sort of thanks her for bringing her and Zoe together. Addison comes and tells them the baby died (Zoe is okay though).

Violet gets the courage to take the stand. She recounts the events of the night when Katie took her baby.

Naomi visits Zoe and Amelia is telling her it’s not her fault and that they are all a family. Zoe’s husband comes in and Amelia gets upset. She leaves the hospital room and pretty much “kidnaps” the baby inside her, despite it not being hers. We all know this story is far from over.

Back at the courtroom, Violet is talking about her blood being all around her. During cross-examination, she is being grilled about Katie and her medication. When asked if Katie was delusional on the night she attacked her, Violet says yes and Pete walks out. Because of this answer, it is likely Katie will get off with an insanity plea. After the trial, Violet visits Katie again. This time, she sits at the table, more confident. Katie asks her why she did what she did. Violet, at her core, is a doctor, but also understands what Katie is going through because she is not herself since the attack and she wants Katie to get better as well.

Zoe’s husband, Martin, is upset about Amelia leaving – and about the settlement being over. Zoe trusts Amelia will make the right decision but Martin doesn’t understand.

Coop goes to Charlotte’s office to tell her what happened at the trial. And to apologize for his drunken tirade. She goes back at him about how she is too much woman for him. She makes his junk feel tiny! OMG, I love Charlotte, seriously.

When Violet comes back to her office, Pete is waiting for her. He feels by letting Katie get off with the insanity plea that will mean Violet won’t get past what happened. A light bulb goes off in Violet’s head that Pete was also a victim of Katie’s attack and she was so closed off she never saw it. He begs her to come back to him. I kind of felt like I was watching the Grey’s Anatomy episode where Meredith begs Derrick to “Pick me, Choose me, Love me.” It was so sad to watch Pete beg.

Sam tries to apologize to Charlotte but it doesn’t come out right. He just welcomes her to the practice and leaves it alone.

How will Charlotte’s presence at the practice effect everyone? Where does Dell keep going? Will Violet and Pete make it? Leave your TwoCents below!

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2 Responses to Private Practice – Recap & Review – Strange Bedfellows

  1. Mitchy says:

    Charlotte at Ocean Wellness? Yeh. That’s not gonna work well. I can just see her riding roughshod over everyone until Addison snaps and fires her. It’s going to be fun to watch though 🙂

    Thought Amy B was brilliant this week. I’ve not been a huge fan of Violet or her storylines in general – I don’t think the character is particularly lovable – but I have to give huge props to Amy for that first scene with Katie in the prison. That was just stunning.

    Cooper is a jackass and I’m so glad he’s with Charlotte who can kick jack asses all day long 😀 (Seriously, that rant of hers at the end was brilliant and it needed saying. Most shows would have written it that Charlotte backed down so it was a joy to hear someone call bullshit and say “I’m a strong woman, deal with it!”)

    Am I the only person NOT missing Dell at all? I never thought his character worked well so I wasn’t sorry to see him go. It wasn’t until afterwards that I even realised he wasn’t in this episode.

    Got to see a bit more of Sam again this week. Really hope he gets a meaty storyline or two of his own, Taye Diggs is being vastly underused – his scene with Violet was a gem and proof his character is underutilised at times.

    So far, I’m liking the new season. Be interesting to see where they’ll take it next 😉

  2. Amy says:

    It was a really good episode. Actually I liked everything about it, no complains from me 🙂

    Amy Brenneman was fantastic in this episode (like always actually). The first scene, when she went to see Katie was just wow! Amazing!

    I loved the last scene with Violet and Pete. It was so sad and moving, when Pete started to beg her. Once again fantastic acting by Amy B. and Tim Daly. They deserve Emmys for their work this season.

    I hope that Pete and Violet will get back together and make a happy family with Lucas. By the way I missed the Pete/Lucas scenes, they are sweet together.

    I’m glad that we’ve got some male bonding scenes with Pete, Cooper and Sam. Those scenes are always good.

    I’m looking to the next episode, the season so far is really, really good.

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