Law and Order: SVU – Recap & Review – Sugar

photo: nbc

photo: nbc

Law and Order: SVU

Original Air Date: Sept 30, 2009

Kara – Sr. Staff Writer

Two guys on a geocaching mission find a girl in a suitcase in the subway tunnels. The case leads Benson and Stabler to investigate a website matching rich men with younger women and the website’s owner, played by Eric McCormack.

Five Notable Things About This Week’s Episode:

1. Eric McCormack. I’m not going to lie, the second I saw his face onscreen, I had a strong urge to watch Trust Me. Man, I miss that show. Eric was a nice choice for Vance Shepard because he’s charismatic and dangerous at the same time.

2. A.D.A. Paxton. She’s so contrary. She basically likes to do the exact opposite of what the detectives at SVU want to do and their opinions are always wrong. It’s so one sided and frankly, downright annoying. I couldn’t believe when she lit a cigarette in the office, considering how much hell she gives them for not following the rules to the letter. If they wanted her to be a villain, they’ve succeeded.

3. The writers of SVU hit another winner with the website name. Is it just me or do they come up with the lamest names for websites, bands and other assorted things on this show? Then, they make the actors say these names and I don’t know how they don’t just break down laughing. Maybe they do.

4. There were some great lines in this episode. I cracked up when the two guys were fighting over who found the dead girl in the suitcase first and Olivia said, “Girls, girls. You’re both pretty.” Another great moment was when Elliot and Olivia are at the department store looking for the employee with the ridiculous screen name. Elliot gets on the P.A. system and says, “Attention all employees, Master Baiter to register one.” A man steps up and Olivia says, “Not a masturbator. THE Master Baiter.” Also, I loved when Vance starts up with the usual line (“I loved Emily.”) that prefaces and is supposed to explain to the detectives why something terrible happened. Eliot says, “Oh, God. Here we go,” which is exactly what I was thinking.

5. There were a few terrible lines in this episode, mostly said by Vance’s daughter. Unfortunately, the worst line was the last line. She stabs her father in the neck with scissors, which was predictable but still shocking and says, “You’ll never break another promise to me.”

So, what did you think? Did you like the ending? Do you like Sonya Paxton? Share your TwoCents with me on this episode and all things SVU in the comments!

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