TwoCents & Five Questions With…

amy poehler

amy poehler

…Amy Poehler, Actor

Last night we saw the season two premiere of Parks and Recreation on NBC. Amy Poehler stars as Leslie Knope, a mid-level bureaucrat in the Parks and Recreation department of Pawnee, IN. Amy took some time to speak with us to talk about the new season and her character.

Q: In your first group of episodes you guys were of course compared to The Office the way the show was shot and everything. Do you hope that goes away this second season, you kind of become your own show and not under that shadow?
Amy: Well certainly we are huge fans of The Office, so any time that we’re mentioned in the same sentence as them it’s a compliment. But I think people will see this season what the show is and how it’s different and certainly in its own way.

Q: Greg Daniels was recently quoted as saying that we got better at writing for Amy so what changed and what can we expect as we enter Season 2?
Amy: We’re all just kind of figuring out what Leslie’s motivations are and stuff. And I think like any new show, you know, you just kind have to get things up and running and figure out where the bathrooms are. So now that we’ve kind of got stuff going I think we’re in a really good groove. And I think the next upcoming season is just a lot of enjoying the crazy world that Leslie creates for herself and all the people that are in it.

Q: Are you branching away from just the specific park thing and focusing on mini storylines?
Amy: We are actually. The pit is a constant thing that symbolizes Leslie’s frustration. We’re checking back with it but certainly as the world gets a little bit bigger and the show gets a little bit more oxygen I think we’re allowing ourselves to go in different places and not be the story about the pit. But it’s certainly always there in the background reminding Leslie of her potential.

Q: If Leslie was the President of the United States what’s the first thing she would do?
Amy: She would probably create a Central Park in every city. So she would probably reclaim urban areas and developed areas and make giant Central Parks in every city or every state in the U.S. I think that would be the first thing she would do. She’d make it really green. That and she [would] probably [have] mandatory dance parties in public schools.

Q: What are hard hitting topics you guys are going to tackle in Season 2?
Amy: We don’t want to overreach but every single episode will have life, death, happiness, sadness, anger, rebirth, redemption and a very clear conclusion and this is going to happen every week in 21 minutes.

Special thank you to Amy Poehler and NBC for providing us with an opportunity to hear about the upcoming season. So, check out the show tonight and let us know how you liked it here, at!!!

PG Ignacio – Associate Editor

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1 Response to TwoCents & Five Questions With…

  1. elizabeth says:

    Great interview – Amy Poehler is the coolest. πŸ™‚

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