Buffy the Vampire Slayer – Summer DVD Review – Teacher’s Pet

photo: the wb

photo: the wb

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Teacher’s Pet

#9 (Top 10 Worst Episodes)
Season 1, Episode 4

Jenny D – TwoCents Staff Writer

I am glad to see the feedback about my top 10 worst episodes as we move on to number 9, Teacher’s Pet. On the up side, Xander gets the limelight, but it also makes him look pathetic (part of the reason I dislike it). The downside, the episode was a dousy! Unfortunately, many of the early episodes of my beloved Buffy were not the best. I will make this as short an painless as possible, bear with me!

Xander daydreams about being the hero and the cool guy. He wakens in time to be called on by Mr. Gregory. Poor Mr. Gregory doesn’t last long though, as he is killed after class. Which is too bad for Buffy, as he is one of the only teachers she likes and gives her a chance. And poor Cordelia is the unfortunate one to find Mr. Gregory in a locker. Buffy and the Scoobies wonder if this has anything to do with the Master.

His substitute, Miss French, has really caught he attention of all the drooling high school boys. She also caught the attention of Buffy, who spotted her in the park while looking into Mr. Gregory’s death. Why she was in the park at night and why the vampires wanted nothing to do with her, because she in evil! Nothing like giving away the plot really early on.

Buffy talks to the school counselor about Mr. Gregory’s death, which makes her late for her surprise test from Miss French. To Buffy’s surprise (but not our surprise) Miss French’s head does a 180 to look at her. Busted (boring). Much to Xander’s surprise, Miss French takes interest in him on a personal level and invites him over that night.

He shows up to find Miss French waiting for him with a drink, a fire and a very tight dress. The cougar, I think we may call her that, knocks him out with the beverage as she turns into a praying mantis. He wakes up to find himself caged in her basement next to another horny high schooler. Mating with Miss French is not a good things, as Xander quickly hears from the other guy. They mate, and then lose their heads in true mantis style.

Buffy has figured out that Xander is the next victim and they look to find a way to stop Miss French from making Xander her next victim. They discover bat sonar weakens her. Now, how to find her. Buffy seeks out the vampire who recognized who she was earlier in the episode. She has him sniff her out, and Buffy arrives just in time to kill her before the boys were attacked. So, instead of Xander sweeping in to save Buffy, it is the Slayer who saves him. His poor pride…..

We end the episode on another stab to Xander, Buffy is obviously interested in Angel (not knowing who he really is) as she flirts at the Bronze. She returns to Mr. Gregory’s office, and only the audience sees the mantis eggs. Oh, the drama. To be continued…… I think not, thank God!

Well, that was number 9 on my list. Would that have made your top 10 worst? My number 8 is “Gingerbread,” Season 3, episode 11. Make sure to leave your TwoCents in the comments or e-mail me at jennyd@thetwocentscorp.com. See you next week!

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2 Responses to Buffy the Vampire Slayer – Summer DVD Review – Teacher’s Pet

  1. Rachel says:

    Man, I hated this one, too. Xander, who I normally LOVE, is made out to be a total tool. And what was with Ms. French’s accent? And the flailing mantis prop arms? Gah!

  2. JennyD says:

    Uh yeah, like I said, the early episodes were not the best (and I think season 1 has the most on the top 10 worst list). I love Xander, and although the episode puts him as the lead, he is made a fool out of. I see that you and I see eye to eye on this!

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