Dollhouse – Recap & Review – Omega

source: FOX

photo: fox


Original Air Date: May 8, 2009

Angelique – Associate Staff Writer

The seasons (series?) finale starts with Alpha and Echo who leave the dollhouse together. They take a woman hostage and Alpha leads them to a electricity factory where he has rebuild the chair. His plan is to imprint Echo the same way he has been imprinted by accident right before he escaped from the dollhouse.

He has been able to destroy his own original and the back up imprint and he sees himself as a ‘God’-like person. He thinks that he can do anything he wants, that he stands above all laws and that he is invincible.   But first he uses the hostage to set his devious plan in motion, he  imprints her with Caroline’s original imprint.

Alpha has always been told that he had to be his best and he did the best he could. But nevertheless a different doll was always better. And to be his best he needed ‘Whiskey’ out of his way or escape to show them that he was the best. Alpha was the one who gave Dr. Saunders the scars on her face the same way he cut up Victor’s face  in her office. That literally was the end of ‘Whiskey’s life as the number one doll. However she received a new assignment she became Dr. Saunders to replace the old Dr. Saunders ( an older man who used to be the doctor when she was a doll ), Alpha asks her if she always wanted to be a doctor when he is in her office right after he has cut up Victor. For Dr. Saunders this was probably the last confirmation she needed to know the whole truth.

Due to a glitch of some kind during the erase and imprint after he attacked Whiskey  instead of one imprint he was imprinted with all of his past 48 personalities, skill sets and memories all at once. He snapped and that is when he went on his rampage through the dollhouse killing several handlers and  dolls  the only person he left unharmed during his killing spree is Echo. Before he cut up Whiskey’s face he said that she should let Echo be number one.

Alpha is convinced that his 48 imprints helped him to become some sort of an ubermensch. Alpha imprints Echo with 38 of her previous imprints, and it all makes sense to her. The other woman imprinted with Caroline’s imprint is trying to reason with her while Echo tries to make sense of it all. She turns on Alpha when he calls her Omega.

Paul Ballard and Boyd have been trying to find out why Alpha snapped. They find out that he was a abducter, he prayed on women and cut up their faces. He was evolving, when the police caught him he had a murder kit in his car. He didn’t have the chance to finish what he started. When the Rossum started the Dollhouse they sometimes got convicted criminals to erase and imprint. It once again becomes clear that the dolls are never erased completely.
Alpha kills the woman with Caroline’s imprint and takes the wedge with the original imprint with him. Echo follows him outside she wants to catch him in the end with the help of Paul Ballard she saves the wedge with her original imprint.

The thing that should be considered as a risk is Victor’s state of mind, and the things that Dr. Saunders said to him when he asked her how he could be his best. It could cause him to go down the same dangerous path which Alpha took. But then again that will only be a problem if there will be a second season. Of course to the Dollhouse he will not be as useful anymore, so does that mean that he will be send back out the real world to continue his life as it was before he joined the dollhouse or will he be retired to the attic.

Alpha due to the 48 personalities in his brain switches from one character to the next. He is insane and highly intelligent a dangerous combination.

In the end Paul Ballard agrees to work for the Dollhouse, he will sign a contract but in return for his signature he has one request. But it is not what you would expect, he chooses to safe November from the dollhouse. She is reimprinted with her own pre–dollhouse self, and is released. Adele tells her that she has fulfilled her contract, he watches her as she goes but stops her and asks her what her name is. Madeline.

I was right in my assumption last week and well far before that. Somehow I always thought that Dr. Saunders was a doll. I actually suspected her to be a doll way back when the show first started. Her and Topher actually, I mean he is always there he doesn’t seem to have a home and other people do his grocery shopping and little things like that. If this show continues I wouldn’t be surprised if Topher is revealed to be a doll as well.

That Eliza Dushku, Enver Gjokaj and Dichen Lachman are able to slip from one role into another completely different one was something we already knew. What really surprised me this epispode was Amy Acker. Oh my God! That flashback from a couple of years ago where she was a doll working on an assignment with Alpha was really cool. I knew Amy Acker from way back when she was on ‘Angel’, and I always liked her I was really happy when I saw her name on the list.

The final episode of ‘Dollhouse’ which will be aired on television was this pas Friday. I wished that by now I could say that the show was picked up for a second season. But I can’t and unfortunately it doesn’t look good for the future either at this moment. What do you think? Should the show be renewed or should they just leave it at this?

Thanks for reading my reviews and commenting on the show. Hopefully I’ll be able to meet you back here next season with new reviews. We can only wait and see what the future brings.

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