Survivor – Recap & Review – The Ultimate Sacrifice

photo: cbs

photo: cbs

Survivor: Tocantins
The Ultimate Sacrifice

Original Air Date: May 7, 2009

Rachel – Sr. Managing Editor

It’s time for the Survivor Auction, people! How much would you pay for a plate of fries? $200? $300? Oh, and it’s also time for the visits from loved ones. This season, we got one dad, two husbands, one brother, one sister, and one… assistant coach? Excuse me?

The Top 6 Things I Learned from Survivor 18

Taj: At the auction, the last thing up for bid was a video message from home. Instantly, JT handed the money he had left to Taj, as did several others. It was so sweet! She watched the video and it took Jeff pointing it that her husband said “See you back at camp” for her to figure out that he was there! She was then faced with a choice: she could go back to camp and see her husband, or send herself to Exile and allow all the other castaways time with their loved ones at camp. For me, it would have been a no-brainer: go to Exile. But then Jeff told Taj that her husband would be there on Exile. Too easy. It would have been much more dramatic had she giving up even seeing him, but I guess Survivor has gotten soft in its old age.

Erinn: Her dad was shocked that his little girly-girl was acting doing this. It was nice to see their bond, and that’s pretty much all we saw of Erinn the entire episode.

Stephen: He paid $100 for chicken hearts at the auction. Nice. Then he couldn’t get across the balance beam in the Immunity Challenge. Double nice. But wait… what’s that? He came from behind and actually won Immunity? You gotta be kidding me! In other news, he and JT are still in control of the game and tried to decide between Coach and Debbi for elimination. In one of the most enlightened comments ever to issue from Stephen’s mouth “The only bad thing about voting for Debbi is that we have to deal with Coach for a few more days.”

JT: When he was approached by Debbi who was frantically jumping from the Coach ship, he became wary. She even promised to give up Immunity if she made it to the finally 3 and go home… she’d be satisfied with 3rd. JT knows that if a person is willing to do anything to stay in the game longer, that person can not be trusted. Nobody is happy with 3rd. His best quote of the episode was “The sooner I get the people out of the game I gotta lie to, the better.”

Coach: His assistant coach? His assistant coach? That is the “loved one” from Coach’s real life? Are you serious? Does the dude even have a name? After dutifully cracking his master’s back, “Assistant Coach” was informed that everyone in the game calls Coach “Dragon Slayer.” Umm… Coach? NO ONE calls you that. At Tribal Council, Coach referred to himself as actually being “given” he name Warrior, to which Jeff had to chime in “Let me guess… some chief in a small village?” Priceless.

Debra: She tried to orchestrate a blindside of Coach, but in doing so, orchestrated her own. Her desperation showed the other players that she would do just about anything to stay in the game and was therefore a threat. In the end, she voted for Coach, Coach voted for Taj (what?) and the rest voted for Debbi. Don’t forget to check out her first night back in the real world at The Ponderosa on

What do YOU think? Did the right person leave? Who will be sent packing next? Give us your Two Cents… We’ll save up for some fries.

Next Week: Martyr Approach

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